Day 322

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I finally got to speak with Ulfric today, but it didn't turn out how I wanted. I still have to prove myself to him. I guess he has to be careful, but I'm really getting worried. He knows what I want, so why hasn't he just agreed to leave Whiterun alone? What if he's actually planning on attacking Whiterun and this is all a plot to get me as far away as possible?

He's ordered me to go to Solitude. Since I'm a new recruit, and an experienced adventurer, I should be "inconspicuous among the others who pass through there". I am to gather intelligence on the enemy, but I won't be acting as a true spy and integrating myself into the Legion. I guess I'm supposed to just hang around and see what I can pick up. Apparently this will be the final test of my allegiance. If I can gather enough valuable information for him that he doesn't already know from his own spies, then he'll agree to leave Whiterun alone.

I don't know how long I'll be stuck there, recording information and leaving it for someone to take to him. He said he'll send for me when I have earned his trust. Galmar was actually quite frustrated with Ulfric's decision. He wanted me on some more missions with him, saying that I was far more useful in battle than as a spy, but Ulfric doesn't trust that I'm not an Imperial spy.

Ah well, at least I don't have to join any more of the boring drills. I leave tomorrow. I'm going to swing south first, stop by Whiterun on the way. I wish this could all be over and done with so I could be home with my family.

Skyrim Journals: Lopiken [Year 3]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ