Day 215

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This past fortnight has been quite dull. I shouldn't complain, but I'm just not used to this type of life. I wake in a decently comfortable bed next to Brelyna, eat a hearty breakfast with the other patrons of Candlehearth Hall, and then leave for my work. I purchase alchemical ingredients in the market, conversing with the locals as though I've been among them for years, and then pay Quintus at The White Phial to use their alchemical tools to brew an assortment of potions, which I then spend the day selling at the market. Sometimes I wander down to Sadri's Used Wares in the Gray Quarter just to browse any new items that may have found their way there. I find that district quite depressing at times, seeing the way the Dunmer are treated, but it's important not to live in ignorance.

Bah, who am I to talk about ignorance. I had once tried so hard to live in ignorance, to run from my responsibilities. What a fool I had been.

I do miss Lucia, though. As strange (yet comforting) it is to live a regular life here, building my reputation, it only serves to remind me of what I could have with Lucia and Brelyna. I can only imagine that kind of life...

I would return from the woods, bringing with me freshly cut wood for the fireplace in our small home set away from the bustle of the city. Brelyna would be teaching a new spell to Lucia, and they would greet me with smiles and embraces. We would eat a lunch we all prepared together, and then Lucia and I would spar with our training swords in the long grasses. There would be no war, no dragons, no vampires to worry about. A normal life with those I care for most.

I certainly hope that day can come to pass.

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