Day 289

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Lydia and I were talking last night and the idea of her adventuring again came up. I offered for her to join me for some time, that I could use the company, and I barely finished my sentence before she eagerly accepted my invitation. I talked with Brelyna and she was more than happy to stay behind with Lucia for a while longer. The two are really getting along, and Brelyna is quite happy with Lucia's progression in her training.

Well, Lydia was a little more eager than I had imagined, and she was ready to leave for Windhelm the very next morning. So, here we are, sitting around a campfire for the night, en route to Windhelm.

Hm, we can hear some commotion nearby. Lydia wants to go check it out.

We have some guests at our camp tonight, but they're in rough shape. I'm absolutely exhausted.

The commotion we heard were three (only three!) Thalmor attacking a group of over ten Stormcloaks. We joined the fight and prevailed in the end, but most of the Stormcloaks had been killed. We have two survivors at our camp and I did my best to treat their wounds. They'll make it, but we need to leave soon. We won't even have a chance to bury the dead...

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