Day 303

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Jorleif was kind enough to let me have another chance. I looked over all the notes, and there's still a few questions I needed answered. I thought they weren't really relevant, but I guess I was wrong.

I spoke with Wuunferth and tried to get some answers out of him. He still claims his innocence and even denies that his own amulet was at the scene. He said he'd never seen the amulet before but that it was definitely for Necromancy. Knowing which amulet was at play conveniently helped him narrow down the pattern of the murderer. He said the killer should strike tomorrow night for the final body pieces. Even though I still don't trust Wuunferth, I don't want to take any risks. I informed Jorleif, so he can alert the guards to be more vigilant. Lydia and I will patrol as well. Hopefully we can stop the murderer before another victim is killed, and hopefully I can redeem myself.

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