Day 16

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I am indebted to Lydia. Apparently, Lucia had been trying to orchestrate some sort of romantic relationship between Lydia and me, with grand plans of an eventual marriage. Once Lydia discovered these plans, she had a few talks with her explaining things, and it made this visit all the more easier. It's really adorable to hear Lucia call Lydia "aunty" now, and I can see that Lydia feels far more comfortable about being the "fun aunt", instead of some maternal role. She told me she'd like children one day, but not any time soon. Honestly, I used to feel the same way, but Lucia changed everything, and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the whole world.

I'm still smiling about how quickly Lucia warmed up to Brelyna this time. They were chatting up a storm all evening, and probably would've gone into the late night if we didn't have to set out early tomorrow morning.

It feels strange admitting this (I guess that's what journals are for) but I've wanted to find love all my life. I saw it in my parents and wanted it ever since, but I never had any luck. I keep telling myself not to build up expectations about Brelyna, but it's so hard not to! She's so beautiful and funny and kind and helpful. I'm really scared for what will happen when she decides to leave me.

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