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Vinny: Jesus Christ......*he breathed*

Pauly rushed over to Vivian ripping off his shirt as he wrapped it tightly around her hand. Pauly looked at the shattered mirror on the wall and the glass that danced across the hardwood floor. Vivian was hunched over letting him take care of her hand. 

Pauly: Why did you do that Vivi?

Vivian: I was too angry, I knew if I walked out I was going to end up hurting someone so I figured instead of hurting a family member I'd just hurt myself, that way only one person suffers.

Ronnie: We all are suffering. Viv when you hurt we all hurt.

Vivian only nodded and leaned into Pauly physically and mentally exhausted. Pauly carried her to the bathroom. He locked the door and took care of her hand. Ronnie started sweeping up the pieces while Vinny went to tell the family what happened.

Snooki: Is she okay?

Vinny: Knowing her just a couple slit knuckles and a splitting headache from all the anger she kept in until now. When did you tell her?

Snooki: In the middle of the Vineyard trip.

Vinny did the calculations in his head.

Vinny: Yeah about 8 hours like that will do that to her.

[Vinny: This isn't something new for Viv. She's done with before, holding in her anger not to hurt the family is something she does a little too often. She just waits until the next moment she can let it out. She's like a game of Russian ruelet you'll never know what will set her off and how long it will take her to get there.]

Pauly put peroxide on her hand and looked over her knuckles. He made sure it was nothing too bad. Just some gashes but nothing that made stitches. He wrapped her hand and then kissed it. He moved her hands to his shoulders laying his hands on her hips. He leaned in snaking his arms around her waist pulling her tight against him as she leaned into his body and nuzzled his neck.

Pauly: I'm so proud of you.

Vivian: Why? I hurt myself, I scared the family.

Pauly: Yes, you hurt yourself and scared the family, but you protected them. You knew you would do something bad so you did something else. You took the road less traveled. Instead of taking it out on the family like Ronnie and Mike does, you took it out in private. I do the same thing. I'm so proud of you.

Vivian gripped him tightly and took deep shaky breaths.

Vivian: You're the first person besides Vin not to think I'm stupid or broken.

Pauly: You're strong baby. You're incredibly strong. 

Vivian: But I showed weakness.

Pauly: So that way we can help you make it into a strength. We can't make ourselves stronger if we continue to hide our weakness.

Vivian: My Daily Pauly D Positivity.

Pauly: All day everyday baby.

[Vivian: *happy tears* I honestly don't know how I survived without him for this long.....he's my rock......he's everything to me. I think if I ever lost him....I would...I'd have to leave. Because I will have lost half my heart.]

Vivian clung to Pauly and they just sat like that for a little bit. Vivian finally felt better she sighed softly and walked out with Pauly guiding her. He held her good right hand and walked with her to the front. Pauly sat in a chair and pulled her into his lap wrapping his arms around her holding her close.

Mike: I'm sorry I gotta ask, what does this mean for you and Vin?

Vivian didn't move her head and she didn't acknowledge the question. Ronnie punched Mike in the arm. Vinny sat in a chair on the other side of the room. He knew he had to talk to Vivian about what happened, he wasn't going to leave Italy with her angry at him. They all sat quietly in the livingroom together Snooki had stopped crying not wanting Vinny to get another strike cause of her. She looked over at Vinny seeing how torn up he looked. Vinny never looked like this, not even when a girl broke up with him. He looked like a beaten puppy, his eyes swollen with tears and his whole body seemed to curl into it's self.

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