Snooki's Heartbreak

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Vivian was curled up in Pauly's side her head buried in his neck. Pauly held her tightly. Vinny was passed out in his bed and Deena was snoring up a storm. Vivian woke to Pauly shaking her.

Pauly: Babe I love you to death, but I have to pee.

Vivian: *grumbling* Fine I'll go cuddle with Vinny.

Pauly chuckled and shook his head. He watched as Vivian lifted Vinny's blankets and climbed into his bed. Vinny groaned and rubbed his face about to shove the person out of his bed but then he saw it was Vivian. He sighed and pulled her close kissing her forehead. Vivian sighed and relaxed falling asleep on her best friend.

Pauly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After he smelled something good. Pauly followed the smell and saw Mr. Rossi. His bags we by the door and he was making a big breakfast. Pauly walked over to the fridge grabbing a water.

Pauly: Leaving us so soon?

Papa: Psh, you kids are fine without me. After a few days back in New York I want you and Vivian to come to lunch with my girlfriend and her son. We want you all to get close.

Pauly: You want me there?

Papa: *grabbing Pauly's face* You're practically my son-in-law, of course I want you there.

Pauly chuckled awkwardly and patted the older mans hand.

[Pauly: *rubbing his neck* I got this weird feeling in my gut hearing those words.....]

Pauly: Make sure you say bye to Vivian, she wants to say bye to you.

Papa: I will. Can't let my princess go without a hug.

Pauly smiled and nodded. He heard rustling from the bedroom and started making Vivian's coffee. Vivian walked out of the room with Vinny close behind. Vivian walked over to Pauly and hugged Pauly.

Pauly: Why so clingy?

Vivian: Vinny's not a good cuddler like you.

Vinny: In my defense you're my best friend not my girlfriend I ain't going all over groping your body especially when you're dating my man! Sue me!

Vivian laughed as she nuzzled her face in Pauly's chest. She then noticed her dad's bags.

Vivian: Awe! Leaving already!

Ronnie: WHAT! NO!

Vivian rolled her eyes and hugged her dad as she held onto him tightly.

Papa: I have to before your brother's kill the house and try to take over your salon.

[Vinny: Oh I hope Papa was kidding because god forbid those boys lay a hand on Viv's salon.]

Vivian: They know if they do they have to go twenty rounds with me.

Ronnie: Yeah cause your tiny ass can beat a giant.

Vivian: I could take you!

Ronnie: Oh I would love to see that Viv.

Vivian smirked at him. Pauly shook his head laughing. Vinny smirked knowing that this was going to turn into entertainment for the house.

Vivian: Fine you and me best two out of three tap out wrestling.

Ronnie: No way I would break you.

Vivian: Awe are you chicken.

Ronnie: No I just don't want to hurt you.

Vivian: I think we should start calling you Waawaa instead of Ronron!

Ronnie: *playfully glaring* You're on!

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