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The house started to make their way to bed. Right now it was Pauly Vivian and Ron all up. Ronnie had his hand on her arm as she leaned against Pauly.

Pauly: Babe I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed okay?

Vivian: 'Okay. I'll be there in a bit.'

Pauly: Sounds good.

Pauly leaned down kissing her forehead then pecked her lips gently. He stroked her good cheek before heading to their room stripping as he walked down the hall. Vivian looked over at Ron giving him a look all the roomies knew too well.

Ronnie: *sighing* What are we going to talk about?

Vivian: 'You and Sam.'

Ronnie: Why? We're done.

Vivian: 'You better be!'

Ronnie: I hate when you're mad at me. I just kinda wish you were talking, at least I can know for sure you're angry.

[Ronnie: I know Viv can't talk for medical reasons but it sure as hell feels like she's giving me the silent treatment, and I can't handle that.]

Vivian: *very painfully* Fine.

Ronnie: No no no! Go back to writing I'm sorry!

Vivian wrote 'Look. I just don't want to see you staying in that toxic relationship. Sam's not good for you. I know you think you love her and you probably do but it's really not healthy. You're constantly on again off again it's not healthy. I just want what's best for you two. I don't want to see you getting hurt. I just want you to be happy. Ronnie please don't go back to her. Snookie told me you were crying after the fight. I can't live with seeing that. You need to just keep her as a woman in your life not THE woman in your life. It's not healthy.'

Ronnie: I know but I love her Viv.

Vivian sighed.

Vivian: 'Will you please at least be careful? I don't like seeing my brothers cry.'

Ronnie: Of course Viv. Let's get you to bed it's been a rough couple days for you, and now that you're home I can sleep. 

Vivian nodded and walked with him to her room. She climbed into bed with Pauly. Ronnie leaned down kissing her forehead and stroked her hair a bit.

Ronnie: You're one of my sisters now. I'll protect you forever.

Vivian smiled and stroked his cheek a moment before rolling over onto her good side and cuddling Pauly. Pauly held her tight the second she was next to him. Ronnie stroked her hair again before walking away.

[Ronnie: I haven't slept since finding out Viv was in the hospital. I was too worried. I just need my sister.]

Ronnie went to bed and sighed. He climbed into bed and fell asleep. Vivian woke up to someone crying. Vivian groaned and looked around seeing Snookie laying on the floor near her bed sobbing. She gently pushed Pauly off her and got up pulling Snookie to the kitchen. Vivian took a pain pill and looked at Snookie worry in her eyes.

Vivian: 'What's wrong?'

Snookie: Mike! He's trying to start shit! He keeps trying to get with me and ruin things with Jioni! I can't lose him. I love him. I can't believe Mike.

Vivian: 'Don't worry about Mike. He's going to learn. Now go to sleep. You can't see Jioni like this. He wants his beautiful rested Snookie. I'll be scaring him enough with my ugliness.'

Snookie: You're not ugly. You're strong. I never could have done that.

Vivian: 'BED'

Snookie: Fine crankie!

Vivian laughed silently and watched her scurry to bed. She sighed and walked back to bed. She climbed into bed and snuggled up to Pauly. 

[Vivian: 'In the morning I'm going to have a talk with Mike.'

Vivian woke the next morning. She started writing what she wanted to tell Mike. She felt Pauly stir next to her and kissed his forehead. She finished her note and got up out of her bed. She walked to the kitchen. She made breakfast and sat down. She sat down and looked at the note.

Mike: Morning Viv. 

Mike kissed her temple and sat with a plate. Vivian looked over at him keeping a straight face. Mike frowned and looked at her.

Mike: Something wrong Viv?

Vivian nodded. She stood up waving him along. Mike followed her and they were on the porch. Vivian shut the doors behind them. She handed Mike the note she wrote him.

Mike: *reading the note* 'Mike, I've heard on several occasions you're trying to get with Snooki. I understand that you like her and you might want to be with her but it's not worth destroying a relationship. Jioni makes Snooki the happiest any of us have seen her. You need to let her be happy. You're going to ruin something good and lose some of the last few people that enjoy having you around.' What are you saving Viv?

Vivian: 'You get two warnings and a threat before I take action.'

Mike: And what's that action?

[Mike: What does Viv has to threaten? She doesn't have anything good. I'm starting to think she's all bark and no bite. If I had known her being with Pauly would make her like this then I would have kept them appart. Vivian doesn't have shit on me!]

Vivian: 'Let's hope you never have to find out. This is your first warning. You leave Snookie and her relationship alone.'

Mike: Fine.

Vivian watched him get up and walk away angrily.

Vivian sat with the family again. Mike sat eating. Vivian leaned on the counter and rubbed her temple.

Pauly: You need any meds baby?

Vivian: 'No. I'm fine.'


Jenni and Snooki grinned at each other. Vivian raised a brow knowing it couldn't be the boys since they weren't due for a week. Jenni answered the door while Snooki covered Vivian's eyes. Vivian scrunched her eyes and was more confused. She heard the door open and close. Vivian felt Snooki move her hands. She looked up and gasped. She ran over and tackled the man into a tight hug.

Mr. Rossi: I'm glad you're okay Princessa.

Vivian: 'It's good to see you daddy!'

Mr. Rossi: Pauly told me you wouldn't be talking.

Pauly: Yeah, we finally get some peace and quiet around her.

Pauly wrapped his arm around Vivian and kissed her head. Vivian smacked his chest giggling as she leaned into him hugging him.

[Pauly: They say family is the best medicine. Snooki and Jwoww did amazing. Vivi might even be talking our ears off by the end of this trip.]

Mr. Rossi: Let's go on a trip. I want to take you guys around.

Pauly: Sure sounds like fun.

Mr. Rossi: Get dressed we're taking a family road trip!

Ronnie: This is why we love you. You get we're family!

Vivian laughed and got dressed with Pauly and soon they were all out in the van that Mr. Rossi got for the family. 

Mr. Rossi: Hold on tight and get ready for a good day with the family! 

Vivian looked over to Pauly from the passenger seat telling him with her eyes what she wanted to say.

Pauly: Like Vivi wants to say Yeah Buddy!

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