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Snookie and Jenni and Sam were in the living room with Mike and Ron waiting on the Terrible Trio up in their room.

Snookie: So we're waiting on the Trio?

Ronnie: Like always.

Jenni: No normally the Trio is waiting on us.

Mike: Whatever they better hurry their asses up we need to get going.

Ronnie: *leaning in* As I walked past their room I heard Pauly getting a feel for her personality and some of the shit she's been through with Vin.

Snookie: I'm telling you those two need to get together!

Sam: I think so too. I mean come on, I can feel the sexual tension.

Mike: No that's just you and Ron.

Ronnie: Shut the fuck up.

Mike: Come on it was a fucking joke!

Sam: Well it's not fucking funny.

Vivian: Whoa, what happened now?

Sam: Mike being a fucking douche.

Vivian: Mike the fuck did you do?

Mike: Why do you believe her!?

Vivian: Because I know you Mike! Now spill before I make you regret it.

Mike: I just said we can feel the sexual tension between Sam and Ron since they decided to take a 'break'.

Vivian: Bro, no. That's just a low blow. Stop trying to start shit.

Mike: I'm not starting shit.

Vivian: And I plan to keep it that way.

Pauly: *right behind Vivian* CABS ARE 'ERE!

Vivian flinched covering her ears before rearing around and punching him in the stomach. She was shocked to be met by some rock hard abs.

Pauly: You didn't have to punch me to get a feel of me abs just ask.

Vivian: Asshole.

Pauly: If that's where you want it okay.

[Vivian: *looking at the camera with a really look*]

Vivian: You have to get to another two areas before you get that one. Yeah buddy.

[Ronnie: I'm telling you someone went to another universe and brought back a female Pauly because I'm seeing fucking double!]

Ronnie grabbed Vivian's arm and dragged her to the car with the guys leaving Pauly to jump in with the girls.

Vivian: Why am I in the testosterone bus?

Mike: Because we agreed that we are going to help get you a guy tonight because lately you have been dealing with losers and we are going to help you get a better guy.

Vivian: Whatever it's your lives your waisting not mine.

Vinny: Shut up before I decide to lock you in the guys bathroom like at Prom.

Vivian: Hey I left that bathroom with a boyfriend, major hickies and one hell of a sex story.

Vinny: *cringes* Yeah I don't need to hear that story.

Vivian: *smirks* Hey it was my first 3 way and defiantly wasn't my last.

Vinny: My virgin ears.

Mike: Are you sure you weren't a guy at one point?

Vinny: I can attest that she never was because no one can fake those boobs or that ass and defiantly not that kooka.

Vivian: See.

Mike: Well then your one of the coolest girls I've ever ran into.

Vivian: So Vin you planning on trying to smush Snooks?

Vinny: Why?

Vivian: You both reek of sexual desire.

Vinny: Says the girl that's let Pauly touch just about every part but the one part every man wants.

Vivian: At least he's getting anything.

Mike: Hey I'm sure he'd like the whole package.

Ronnie: He would LOVE the whole package.

Vivian: Whatever you guys. I'm just wondering what kind of guy you're going to hook me up with tonight.

[Mike: Viv, boo, I love you but are you really this stupid?]

[Vivian: I'm not that stupid. I just want to see their faces when Pauly and I just keep it casual all night long while they try to push us into each other's arms.]

Jenni, Snookie and Sam sat in the care with Pauly sitting back in the seat.

Jenni: Pauly can we try hooking you up tonight?

Pauly: *shrugs* Sure I'm interested in seeing what kind of girls you think I go for.

Snookie: We think we have the perfect idea but why don't you just give us an idea.

Pauly: Definitely a guidette, someone cool and fun. Someone down for just about anything that could happen. A chick that's into a good time, good music and just being around people and having a hell of a time.

[Sam: Pauly we have the perfect girl for you. Have you met our dear friend Vivian? You have? Well we think you need to meet in a more intimate way.]

Vivian stepped out of the car with the guys and headed over grabbing a drink. She knew the guys were going to go off looking for Pauly. She saw him some how sneak past the guys and over to her. She smirked as she had the perfect idea of what to do.

Vivian: *pulling Pauly down to her level* Do you know the roomies are trying to set us up?

Pauly: Are you serious?

Vivian: Yes. Wanna play a prank on them?

Pauly: Sure, what should we do?

Vivian: We can prank them by either playing along and trick them into thinking they won but then act casual after, or we can help each other find a date for the night.

Pauly: Vivi you had me at prank. I vote the first one, more fun and lasts longer.

[Snookie: So we're looking for the guys when I noticed Vivian and Pauly at the bar together. It just makes me more excited for this plan.]

Pauly walked away from Vivian and walked to a side table waiting for the girls to find him. Soon he had had Snookie at his side telling him where to meet the 'girl', and when she sent him to the girl he chuckled knowing that Vivian was going to be waiting.

[Vivian: So after finding out the roomies plan Pauly and I decided we would mess with them. We are going to make them think their plan work and in the morning they are going to wake up to me and Pauly acting normal.]

Vivian met with Pauly in the spot, they then started their plan. Vivian and Pauly started out just talking and laughing together. Then they progressively made things more obvious. Pauly would get closer pressing his body to hers and whisper in her ear.

[Snookie: Match made in heaven. Like this is the cutest thing I have EVER witnessed my little peace keeper is falling in love.]

[Vinny: It will beat out all other love stories. OH MY GOSH! Pauly's nickname for Viv is Vivi and he goes by Pauly D....put that together and their ship name I'd ViviD. BOOM! ViviD 100%!]

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