1 Week To Go

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Vinny was up and sitting on the couch with Pauly and Ronnie just talking and relaxing a bit. As they sat talking Vivian came walking down in a see through shawl with a crop top and waist high shorts. She slinked into the kitchen grabbing some of the food before walking over and sitting on a couch.

Vinny: What's got you up so late for once?

Vivian: Just.......I don't know, I wasn't feeling good I guess. You know I was just thinking we only have one week left......

Ronnie: I know. It's going to be weird not waking up and seeing all your faces.

Vivian: It's going to be pretty lonely in the mornings again.

Vinny: You know I'm only a couple hours away.

Vivian: Promise you guys will keep in contact? I don't want to lose you guys.

Ronnie: Of course. No way am I letting you out of my life. You've brightened up this place and made us a better family!

Vivian: *blushing* I did nothing, you all were a family before I came.

Ronnie: Vivian you'll never know how important you are to this house.

Vivian: Whatever you liar. Snooki and Jen will be back soon, I have work with Julio tonight. I hope you guys have fun at the club. Love you all. *leans down kissing their cheeks*

Pauly: Love you too broo. We'll stop by before we head out.

Vivian: Sounds good I'm going to get ready.

Ronnie waited for Vivian to close the bedroom door before he looked at Pauly making kissy faces laughing. Vinny joined in and Pauly laughed shaking his head shoving his best friend.

[Vivian: So I have to work while the roomies go out tonight, and I just got this really bad feeling. Something bad is going to happen and I can't tell if it's going to be me or the roomies. I decide I'm going to talk to the guys and let them know.]

The guys are sitting in the livingroom when they see Vivian walk down in her uniform. They noticed she looked really nervous. Vinny frowned and waved his friend over making room between him and Pauly so she could sit.

Ronnie: Viv what's wrong?

Vivian: I just have a bad feeling. I feel like something is going to happen tonight and it's not going to be anything good.

Ronnie: Any idea what?

Vivian: No I just.....it's a bad feeling.

Vinny: We'll keep everyone safe. Okay just don't worry and try to keep away from Danny at work.

Vivian: Oh I don't have to worry about him.

Pauly: Why?

Vivian: Because he has a girl finally.

[Pauly: About time Danny keep off my girl!.......I mean like she's my friend by my girl just to clear up.]

Vivian nodded her head in agreement as she leaned back in her seat sighing softly. She checked the time and finally left for work. The guys decided to walk her to the store before they headed out and hung around the board walk. What Vivian said stuck with them and they were keeping a close eye on Viv. When the shifts switched they headed home with those that were at the store.

The group finally ended up getting ready and headed out for the night. As they were out there was a group just going against them hating on them and showing them some hatred. Things escalated quickly and then Ronnie went on a Ron rage. He went after one of the guys and knocked him out with a single punch to the face.

[Ronnie:..........oh.......uh Viv......I found what your bad feeling was about......]

Ronnie ran back to the group telling them about what was going on. The group got stopped by a cop car and Ronnie was hauled off for aggravated assault and taken to jail for the night. Pauly and Vinny looked at each other shaking their heads. The groups decided to head home and went to check when Ronnie could be picked up.

[Vivian: So I walk into the house and everyone is in a freaked out mood. I'm about to ask what happened when I hear Snookie.]

Snookie: We can pick him up in the morning.

[Vivian: That's when I noticed Ronnie wasn't there.]

Vivian: What happened???

Vinny: Ronnie got in a fight and one-shotted a guy.

Vivian: Shit! I knew somethin bad was going to happen.

Sam: You knew something was going to happen and you didn't fucking say anything!?

Vivian: I did! I told the guys this morning because for fuck sake I was scared!

Pauly: She did tell us. Ron and Vinny were there when she told us.

Vivian: I told them I had a bad feeling.

Sam: Whatever.

Vivian shook her head and headed up to her room getting dressed for bed. She came back downstairs and sat in Pauly's lap as she cuddled close to him as she laid her head against his shoulder.

Pauly: Still not feeling good?

Vivian: I think it's just more of the knowing we are going to be away from each other soon. I hate to see it happen.

Pauly put his arm around her waist holding her in place as he sipped his beer.

Pauly: We'll be okay, I promise. We'll make this all work out.

Vivian: I know.

Snookie: So are you two going to visit?

Vivian: It's hard for me to do but I'm hoping to be able to. My shop is getting upgraded and I need more clients so I'm going to be doing lots of advertising and promos.

Pauly: I would gladly travel just to get a hair cut from someone I trust.

Jenni: That's adorable. Maybe you would trave a few hours to smush too.

Vivian: Yeah buddy!

Pauly threw his head back laughing. Vivian shot her hand to the back of his neck.

Vivian: Watch it Pauly your blowout is going to put a hole in the wall and I don't have that kind of money to fix it!

The group started laughing and Pauly squeezed Vivian in a tight hug as he laughed holding her close patting his hand on her hip as he shook his head with a gentle laugh watching the group.

[Pauly: So the summer is almost over and it's sad really. I think the thing I'm going to miss the most is sharing a room with Vivi and Vinny. My two favorite people in the house. Vivi, the cool girl down for anything. Vinny my man, that's right Vivi, he's mine.]

Vivian got up and stretched her back earning several pops.

Vivian: I'm going to bed, Pauly if you fucking waking me up before I'm ready your blow out will be flatter then a book. Night loves! *kisses everyones cheeks*

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