Vivian's Choice

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Vivian stood with Pauly in her room. She was finally able to leave. She took the meds that she was going to need for her pain. She sighed softly and hugged Pauly her good side of her face, the right leaning against his chest as they wait for their ride in the living room. The taxi finally came and they climbed in. Vivian sighed looking out the window knowing it was going to be a while before she could talk. She had all kinds of exercises to help her but they weren't expecting the bruises to be healed for a while.

Pauly: You in pain?

Vivian nodded her head looking up at him with her one good eye.

Pauly gave her a pill then tucked the bottle in his pants. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head holding her. Vivian stroked her his chest as she cuddled up to him.

Pauly: It's going to be okay. You'll be back to talking everyones ears off in no time.

Pauly chuckled as Vivian smacked his chest. They made it to their place and Vivian took a deep breath.

Pauly: Are you sure this is what you want Vivi?

Vivian nodded her head giving a one sided smile showing she was serious. Vivian slipped out with Pauly close behind holding the bag that she brought to the hospital. They walked upstairs and Pauly made her wait in the hall. Pauly walked in and he saw the whole house.

[Pauly: No one knows how this will go and we all feel the tension in the room.]

Pauly: Don't react, she still thinks she looks hideous. Just keep it cool. Remind her we all love her. She's made a choice and even if you don't like it, you will support her because she is our family.

They nodded as they all held their signs ready to see Vivian. Mike sat in a chair holding his sign up, Snooki Deena and Jenni stood in a line holding their signs. Vinny sat on the couch in the center with his. Ronnie stayed far in the back. Sammi sat on the counter as they all waited. Pauly nodded to them before he opened the door. Vivian walked in her face swollen slightly on one side a dark purple black color. Vivian looked at her feet.

Jenni: We missed you.

Vivian looked up and gave her one sided smile. Vinny walked over and hugged her kissing her head. Vivian looked around the room and met everyone's eyes except the two that were in the fight. Sammi was the next to hug her and slowly the whole house hugged her except the two in the fight.

Vivian walked over to Mike. Mike raised his eyes looking at her. His eyes held guilt.

Mike: Viv I'm sorry. I was stupid. Vin explained why you were so scared. I'm sorry. I was stupid, I was just tired of being blamed and accused.

Vivian pulled out a paper and handed it to Mike.

Mike: "Mike. Don't feel this way. You were letting your anger out in the only way you know how. I know that this is all too much, we're all stuck in a smaller space than normal this was all bound to happen. It's just the way we are sadly. We are all bold personalities and we tend to crash into each other once in a while. So just say your sorry and get it over with. We are a family, we don't need to break appart over something so simple. Just recognize your mistakes once in a while. We all are surviving together. That's all we're doing. Family means no one is left behind, so just suck it up and join us all in the front seat again." Y-you're right Viv.....I'm sorry. To you guys too. I'm a fuck up sometimes and I just....I don't know.....I'm sorry.

Vivian walked up to Ronnie and he had tears streaming down his face.

[Ronnie: What have I done? I just.....Viv's probably kicking me out of her family.]

Ronnie fell to his knees and started crying. He cried into his hands as he thought this was the end for his relationship with Viv. Everyone thought so. They hated to think it, but everyone, even Vinny believe he is no longer Vivian's family, which was hurting them all.

Vivian kneeled in front of Ronnie and grabbed his face. She looked him in the eyes but he squeezed them shut crying harder as he didn't have the heart to face her as she kicked him out of her life. He couldn't face it. Vivian turned to Pauly nodding her head.

Pauly: *taking out a paper* 'Ronnie. You hurt me, you aren't the first guy to hit me, you won't be the last. It's how life is. I know that your sorry. I got all your gifts, but that's not going to make anything right. We all have been through so much together, constantly helping each other and being there when shit hits the fan. You were one of the people I talked to when my mom died. You stayed up with me when Pauly and Vinny couldn't. You ran stupid chores with me that me and Mom used to do together, you taught me somethings I never thought I needed, you took care of me in many ways that no one will ever know. You have been an important person since almost day one of being in my life. I'd say you're another Vinny in my life but you're not. I'd say your another protective guy in my life. You're none of those things, you're much more important. You have a higher tittle than the later. You have a tittle that I don't give to anyone that isn't blood related to me. You have something that just makes me feel like we are truly blood and not water. Ronnie, you're important to me, and I thought long and hard about this and it seems to be the only viable option. You hurt me and there is only one way to make that to help me heal, wait on me. I know you won't take just and I forgive you, I know the family won't so this is the only way that I see we can get past this. We have too much history to just kick you out of my family. You're family till the end. Like I told Mike. We don't turn out back on family. You're my brother. My brother. I love you Ronnie and we CAN make it past this stupid freak accident because that's all there is.'

[Vinny: I never saw that coming. I've seen Vivian kick people out of her family for lesser. I guess this show just gives us all a stronger bond. *smiles*]

Ronnie: I will happily do all that for you. You are like my sister too. I love you Viv. I will gladly help you heal, when Pauly can't of course.

Vivian gave her side smile and hugged Ronnie right as she gripped him tight against her. Ronnie squeezed her tight against his chest. Vivian sighed and hugged him close. 

Vinny smiled softly knowing the family wasn't going to fall apart with Vivian around. Pauly put the letter in his pocket for now and walked sitting.

Pauly: It's going to be a while until she can talk again so she's going to need to use that white board until she can talk. They say when she can talk without pain she can talk. Just be prepared the first time she does talk it will be really scratchy.

Vivian stood pulling Ronnie up. She made her rounds hugging all the roomies before she walked over sitting in Pauly's lap. Pauly kissed her forehead and stroked her side holding her tight. Vivian gave her one sided smile as she leaned against him. Vinny patted Vivian's leg sitting close to the couple. Everyone sat in silence around them. Vivian looked around then grabbed her whiteboard she wrote on the board.

Vivian: 'Who died? Why the fuck we so quiet? I swear I'm not living with party animals just party poopers!'

[Snookie: Even when she can't talk she's the loudest in the room with her comments. Got to love our Viv.]

The group laughed and Vivian gave a proud smile flinching in slight pain. She looked at the group and they shook their heads at her as she leaned into Pauly more.

Pauly: You want anything babe?

Vivian: 'Ice Cream!'

Pauly: Considering you can only have really soft food sure. We'll call your dad after you settle in.

Vivian: 'OKAY!'

Pauly: Don't you capitol in this house.

The group laughed as the mom and dad of the house brought light back in the group. Vivian leaned into Vinny as Pauly got her ice cream. She leaned on Vinny and looked around seeing the group all smiling and chatting again like normal.

Vivian: 'I vote we all do one giant snuggle and watch a movie!!!!!!!!!!'

Vinny: Sure anything for the cripple.

Vivian flipped off Vinny before smacking his chest and getting up sitting in Ronnie's lap as she playfully pouted glaring at Vinny making the group laugh.

[Vivian: 'My family. They can't live without me.' Vinny: That's cause you're the glue that holds us together. Without you you would have thought we were all strangers rooming from the internet or some shit! Pauly: That's cause Vivi is the life of the party, hurt or not!]

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