The End (Part 2 of 3)

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Vivian helped Mike fill the pots and get everything made. She sighed and looked at him as he was doing all the work. She let her bottom lip poke out as she looked at the wall in front of her.

Mike: Are you okay?

Vivain: I just feel so useless.

Mike: Come on Viv you know better than that. Hell you've been taking care of us for the past 4 or so years. You're the mama, now you're going to be a real mama and you need to save your strength for that little angel growing in your belly.

Vivian: I know but it's hard. I take after my mom. I'm probably going to be put on mandatory bedrest like she was.

Mike: Well if you start relaxing now you will be fine.

Vivian: I hate when you're right.

Mike: Good thing it doesn't happen often. Pauly come take care of your baby mama she's pouting!

Pauly walked in and wrapped his arms around her waist a hand plastered over her belly while the other pulled her close.

Pauly: Why are you pouting?

Vivian: Because I can't help.

Pauly: Vivi you know you need to rest. I don't want to see you all locked up in bed because you couldn't sit still for a while. You're going to hate that more than not being able to take care of the family now. Let us take care of you and then after we're done here we'll have some us time, I promise.

Vivian looked up at him and pouted. She bit her lip and nodded as she looked at him. Pauly grinned and kissed her forehead standing there holding her for a bit before walking back to help with prep. Vivian rubbed her still tiny belly and thought a bit about what it's going to be like with a baby around,  then she thought about them wanting to move to Cali, away from her family. She sighed softly shaking her head of the thoughts.

Vivian: I'll be right back.

Mike nodded as he continued to fry up some veggies that they had. Vivian walked upstairs went to the rest room then went into the confessions.

[Vivian:'s getting down to the wire. I know these probably won't get into the show, but I want to share them with the roomies at the final wrap party. 

So first Snookie. God where would I be without you girl? You're like the best thing to happen in my life. Anytime I just needed a drink you were around the corner with a glass of wine and some other thing. I'm going to miss my drinking boo. I mean, I wish I could put you in my suitcase and take you to Cali with me. God it's going to be hard to tell everyone that we're moving to Cali after we're done filming.

*deep breath* Jenni, girl, you've been by my side in almost every fight there is. You and Snooki and Sammi all planned numerous ways to get me and Pauly together. You two were my biggest supporters and I couldn't be happier to have you in my life. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be the godmother of my baby. Snooki you're next boo! I can't wait to see where this crazy world takes you boo! I love you and you are definantly coming to my house in Cali to spend time.

Deena, girl we only met a few seasons ago but I feel like I've met you in another life! You're my girl. I feel so close to you, just as close as the other girls and that's saying a lot. You're my go to if Pauly and I get into a fight. I remember when I left him. I called all of you and you were about to go kick his ass. God I love you girl, don't ever change! You're amazing you will find that amazing guy. You will find your personal Pauly D! Love you boo!

*tears in her eyes* Sammi you and I have had ups and downs, but I wouldn't suspect anything less from a girl I consider my sister. Sister's are meant to fight. I love you girl, you better stay in contact. I love you and I have high hopes that your future is going to be as bright as possible. I am happy to call you my sister. Keep in contact you're as much family as Vinny. My door is always open if you need a place to cry, run, anything I'm here for you.]

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