Bad News

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Vivian: Hi Daddy.....

[Vivian: My heart is pounding as my dad takes forever to talk.

Mario(Mr. Rossi): Hi princess. I have the results about your mother.

Vivian gripped Vinny's hand that rested on her leg. She took a deep shaky breath.

Vivian: H-how is she? *her voice broke*

Mario: She's fine for now. The results aren't what we were hoping......your mother has late stage lung cancer bella.

Vivian squeezed her eyes shut leaning into Vinny shaking as she held the phone. Her hand with the phone was shaking violently. Pauly moved closer putting his hand on her arm to help steady hear. Vivian cried into Vinny's chest as he gripped her tightly. Pauly took the phone from her and rubbed her back gently as he squeezed onto the bean bag with her and Vinny.

[Vinny: I saw Vivian break and I instantly got worried. Vivian doesn't break unless someone in her family is hurt or severely sick......]

Pauly: Hey Mr. Rossi.

Mario: Hi Pauly. She broke down didn't she?

Pauly: Yes she did sir.

Mario: I'm going to tell you what's going on. I want everyone in the house to know so she has a support system there when she's away from our family. 

Pauly: Of course, you know she's our girl. We'll do whatever is needed for her.

Mario: Her mother has late stages lung cancer. This is all we know right now there are more tests going on. She needs all the support she can get or she'll shut down, don't over bear her let her know she can come to you.

Pauly: We can do that. We got her.

Mario: Thank you Pauly. Can I talk to her again.

Pauly: *shaking Vivian's shoulder gently* Talk to your dad boo. He wants to talk to you.

Vivian sniffled and turned taking the phone.

Vivian: Hi daddy....

Mario: Hi Bella. I told Pauly. He's going to let your other friends know so that way you can go and talk to them, and have comfort and not keep this all on your shoulders.

Vivian: Okay......

Mario: You know I'm doing this cause it's what's best princess.

Vivian: I know daddy. 

Mario: Good. I love you Bella.

Vivian: I love you too Daddy. Ciao.

Mario: Ciao.

Vivian passed the phone to Pauly who hung up the phone. Vivian laid her head back and took deep shaky breaths. She sniffled and leaned against the chair as she laid there shaking a bit. She sighed rubbing her face having enough of this night.

Pauly and Vinny both wrapped her in their arms sandwiching her with their love for her. Vivian laid her head against them as she tried to calm down. 

[Vivian: I don't know what I would do without those two....I probably would have been alone broken if Pauly and Vinny weren't there.]

Pauly kissed her temple and sighed softly.

Vinny: I know you're going to say you don't want to but you're coming out with us. We need to get you out for a bit and to have a nice night away from the heart ache.

Pauly: I agree you need to just take a night to lose yourself. Be happy smush a guy or two to feel better. You know you can have me if it comes down to it.

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