Day Off

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Vinny sat with the group, Vivian and Pauly on either side of him. Vivian had her head on his shoulder and snuggled into him. Pauly had his arms resting on the back of the couch as they sat together.

Vivian: So are you thinking of coming back?

Vinny: I mean, yeah. You guys came all the way out here to come get me. I've never had anyone but Vivian be willing to drop everything to get me.

Vivian: You're our Vinny, if you're not with us it's not a family. Besides I need you there with me because lord knows I can only take so much sadness and moping at a club before I start getting swingy!

Vinny: I know Viv. That's why I was temped to take you with me when I left.

Pauly: I think if you both left someone was going to kill someone else.

Snooki: I would have killed Mike!

Jenni: We all would kill Mike.

Mike: Seriously guys?

Vivian: Mike relax we're all still family it's cool.

Mike grumbled as he sat back.

[Mike: Vivian is too nice and blind to see that the family is out casting me! The only reason I'm still talked to is her! She talks about being family but she doesn't see the shit that happens in this fucking house!]

[Vivian: I know Mike thinks I don't see it but it's simply not true. I see everything. I just know if I try fighting it it's not going to end well. I know how to pick my battles.]

Vivian sighed softly and stayed with her head on Vinny's shoulder her arms around his arm that was near her. After a bit she pulled away and went to the restroom.

[Vinny: I know Vivian is scared I won't come back. The way she's holding onto me is telling me it all. So I figured I'd pull a prank on her.]

Vinny: Guys I wanna prank Vivi. I want to tell you guys I'm not coming back and then as we're driving home jump from the back seat of the van.

Ronnie: Bro she's going to kill you.

Vinny: It will so be worth it for all the pranks she's done to me.

Ronnie: Okay it's your funeral.

Vivian came back and cuddled up to him again. Vinny put his hand on her knee in a brotherly way.

Vinny: I hate to do this, but I seriously am not ready to come back. This is still a big problem and I just need some time.

Vivian nodded as she moved under his arm and hugged his torso.

[Vivian: Yeah it's hard for me to not be with Vinny. It's like when I moved all over again. Only this time I KNOW I'll see him again.]

The group got up and all hugged Vinny. Vivian made her way in the car last and got buckled in. Ronnie was packing some snacks in the back in the cooler they had. Vivian sighed and had her eyes closed as she leaned on the back seat. Once everyone was in their seats. They took off. Vivian held Pauly's hand in the front seat. As they were driving Vinny climbed his way to the only open seat behind Vivian. 

Vinny: *leaning forward near Vivian's shoulder* 

Vivian: Mike leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to be dealing with a 28 year old baby.


Vivian jumped screaming as she sat up from her seat.

Vivian whipped around and started beating Vinny from the front seat.

Vivian: You son of a bitch! I'm going to beat the living shit out of you!

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