Another Night

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Vivian's P.O.V

[Vivian: I finally started to get ready in the room. Vinny didn't care cause he has seen me naked, it's nothing new to him. Pauly was I decided to have a little fun.]

As I noticed Pauly staring I started to linger putting on my make up first in just my underwear and panties. I did my make up for the night then my hair. I smiled and continued to get dressed pulling on my dress, then to keep Pauly wanting more I looked at him over my shoulder.

Vivian: Pauly will you zip me?

Pauly looked over at me and only nodded his head. He walked over one hand rested at the bottom of the zipper and his hand slowly glided up my back. As the zipper closed my dress pulled my breasts together. I turned facing him and he looked hot and bothered already. I smiled up at him gently.

Vivian: Do my boobs look okay? Do they look like they need to be fixed?

Pauly's eyes widened before he looked down and inspected my breasts.

Pauly: They look perfect.

[Pauly: I could have taken that girl right there! Damn! It's taking all my will power not to unzip that dress and show her what she's done to me, but I decide to play the good guy, you never know what could come of it *winks at the camera*]

3rd Person P.O.V

Vivian smiled and kissed his cheek. She walked down the stairs and saw only the guys were ready. She sat down next to Mike and was sipping at his Ronron juice.

Mike: Get your own slut!

Vivian: Nah I like taking this. *smirks*

Vinny shook his head at the two standing near the stairs watching the two as he laughed. Ronnie and Pauly looked tense about the whole thing though.

Vivian smirked and took Mike's cup again gulping down part of it before shoving it in Mike's chest and getting up. Mike shook his head chuckling as he looked at the girl he's gotten close to. Vivian laughed and walked over to the two guys she shares a room with.

Mike: Get me some more Ronron juice since you drank move of it you ass!

Vivian rolled her eyes but did that for her friend. She then sat next to Pauly and leaned into his side laying her head on his shoulder.

Mike: You two going to smush tonight?

Vivian: *shrugs* We'll see where the night goes.

Pauly: Agreed, don't need to be tied down.

Vivian smacked his chest and shook her head as she continued to lean into his side.

Jenni and Snookie walked down.

Snookie: AWE! You two would make cute babies!

Vivian: Snickers! You and I would make better babies!

Snookie: *rolling her eyes* Whatever boo!

Vivian: Jenni! 

Jenni: What boo?

Vivian: You me, Snickers we are three single bitches so I lay claim to the single ladies code!

[Snookie: What's the single ladies code? Vivian: It's the code when all the girls make a pack to at least help everyone get laid. Jenni: That makes more sense then some of the shit I was thinking! *all three bust up laughing*]

Mike: Sounds kinky mind if I watch?

Vivian: *flipping him off* Mike, you go find a girl to smush! If not I'll find you a dead fish to have in your bed, it should be the same as some of the whores you normally bring him.

Mike laughed shocking everyone. Vivian giggled and looked out the window. Pauly followed her gaze. Vivian's hand shot up to Pauly's mouth.

Vivian: CABS ARE......EW PAULY!

Pauly: *smirking in triumph* CABS ARE 'ERE!

Vivian shook her head and jumped up linking arms with Sammi as the girls went into their own cab. Vivian sat in back with Sammi and just leaned back for the ride.

Jenni: What kind of guy do you smush?

Vivian: I normally go for guidos, not too muscular but down for some fun, or cuddling if I don't feel like I'm in the mood. *shrugs*

Jenni and Snookie look at each other.

[Jenni: Snooks who does that sound like? Snookie: It sounds like Pauly booboo. Jenni&Snookie: Guess who's hooking up with Pauly tonight?]

When they got to the club Snookie and Jenni got themselves drinks and Vivian a drink. They danced together for a while before they started looking for people to hook up with for the night. Vivian laughed softly as they danced. Soon the girls got a guy with the help of Vivian. As the girls danced with their hook ups Vivian was alone in a corner near Ronnie and Sam. She stayed close in case something happened, at least one of the guys was near by. Vivian sat alone just sipping her drink watching her friends.

Pauly noticed Vivian alone in the corner. He hadn't found a girl to hook up with, so he decided to earn some good guy points and walked over to his friend.

Pauly: *in Vivian's ear* Wanna dance?

Vivian: *leaning into his ear* Don't you want to find a girl to hook up with?

Pauly: No I'd rather make sure all my girls are having fun then to have a girl to smush tonight. Come on!

He dragged her to the dance floor. Vivian laughed and put her back to Pauly's chest and started dancing on him. She reached one hand back putting her hand on the back of his neck and danced with him. Pauly had one hand on her hip the other holding her arm as he leaned his face down into her neck.

Vinny pulls back from a make out session to see Pauly dancing on a girl. He chuckled and cheered before going back to his friend.

[Ronnie: I'm sitting talking to Sam.....then I see Pauly and Viv. They are up dancing on each other. Pauly didn't leave her side for the last two hours of the night, he was stuck to her like glue! Man, shit might get crazy in the shore house.]

Mike started rounding everyone up grabbing his girl by the hand. He got everyone and winked a Pauly nodding his head. They all started heading home. When they got to the shore house everyone went up to bed except Pauly and Vivian.

Pauly: What do you want to do?

Vivian: I have a rule of not hooking up with someone unless it will happen more than once.

Pauly: Well theres other things we can do if you don't want to hook up.

Vivian: How about we get in my bed and snuggle and make out?

Pauly: Sounds good to me.

Vivian walked up to the room with him. They climbed in her bed after striping down and getting in their Pjs. Vivian laid with her back to the wall. Pauly pulled the blankets over them and leaned down and kissed her. Vivian smiled into the kiss holding his face. Pauly and Vivian made out a good portion of the rest of the night. After a heated make out with some grouping Vivian pulled away.

Vivian: You're a great kisser Pauly.

Pauly: So are you Vivi (Vivee is how it's pronounced).

Vivian: I've never had someone call me that before.

Pauly: Can it be my personal nickname for you.

Vivian: I like that. Good night Pauly.

Pauly: Night Vivi.

Vivian buried her face in his neck and laid across him. Pauly held her one arm around her body the other resting beind his head. He fell asleep with a big smile on his face holding this beautiful girl in his arms.

[Pauly: So Vivian and I didn't smush, but we did get to know each other on a new level. I am starting to really like this girl. If that's how she snuggles then I'm DTS with Vivian any time.]

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