Baby Time

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Vivian and Pauly had been in their new house for a few months now. Vivian was near the end of her pregnancy and Vinny had been a big help staying home with her while Pauly was out doing gigs or doing some other things to make sure the house was perfect for their little bundle that was do anytime.

Vivian Ronnie and Vinny were in the house just sitting and talking. Vivian had been in pain all morning but didn't bother telling Vinny knowing that he would freak and take her to the hospital only for her to be sent home. As the day went on the pain started to get more intense and closer together to the point that she was starting to not be able to hide it.

Vinny: Viv seriously are you okay?

Vivian: Yes.

Vinny: No I know when you're hiding pain, what's wrong?

Vinny moved closer to her on the couch. He noticed how tense she seemed, as he rested his hand next to her he felt his hand get suddenly wet.

Vinny: Viv.....

Vivian: I think my water just broke......

Vinny: Okay. Ronnie get her in the car I'm calling Pauly.

Vivian whimpered when Ronnie lifted her running her car. He rushed into the drivers seat while Vinny sat in back with her on the phone trying to get Pauly.

Pauly was in the middle of a meeting with his manger when his phone started going off. He saw Vinny's face on the phone and held up his finger.

Pauly: Hey Vin, is everything okay?

Vinny: Kinda....Vivian's water broke. We're on the way to the hospital. Get there as soon as possible Rosaline is going to be here soon!

Pauly: On my way! Put her on the phone, I'll talk her through everything and meet you guys there. 

Pauly ran out of the room to his car. He got in and was actually able to get an officer to escort him.

Pauly: You there baby?

Vivian: *whimpering* Y-yes.

Pauly: Deep breathes baby. You're going to be okay I promise. This hurts now but just think of the reward. Rosie is going to be here soon. She's trying to do this on her own but you gotta help her baby.

Vivian: I'm scared.....

Pauly: I know sweetheart. You're going to be okay. If a meatball can do this you defiantly can! Just take deep breathes.

Pauly pulled up to the hospital and ran in. He was instantly met by Ronnie. Ronnie walked with him to the room and Pauly walked in seeing Vivian in a gown sweating from the pain as he walked up.

Pauly: I'm here baby.

Vivian: Hey....

Pauly: My queen.

Vivian: My knight in shinning armor.

Pauly kissed her sweaty forehead, and tried something to get a laugh from his pained girl.

Pauly: You're so salty baby.

Vivian laughed through the pain and shook her head. Pauly smiled and held her hand sitting next to her bed.

Pauly: What did the doctors say?

Vinny: She's about 5cm they said she could be like this for another few hours.

Pauly: Okay. You can do this baby, you're doing so good just take some deep breaths.

Ronnie: We're here for you Viv. Anything you need.

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