The End (Part 3 of 3)

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Vivian groaned as she woke up to chatter downstairs and the sun beating on her face. Vivian rolled over to hide in Pauly's chest but instead found an empty space. She groaned again sitting up. She checked the time and about choked on air seeing it was 12 in the afternoon. Vivian shot up throwing on her dress brushing her teeth and making sure she had all the proper jewelry. She rushed in the bathroom to do her business and as she was speeding through her make up she saw a sticky note heart with notes.

~Hi baby! <3

~I know you just woke up but don't worry!

~Everything is all taken care of! 

~Mike finished the food

~Snookie finished the drinks

~The rest of the girls did decorations

~Ronnie got all the parents

~Vin and I made sure that everything you wanted done went perfectly! <3

~Take a deep breath and relax

~No one is expecting you until 1 so take all the time you need to get ready.

~I love you, both of you.

~Smile and make sure you look extra extra extra beautiful, if it's even possible you're too beautiful already! ;*

~See you downstairs with the fam

~Love The King of your Castle

Vivian had happy tears in her eyes. She wiped all her make up off doing a better job. When she was done it was 12:30. She decided to take the time to finish her message to the family.

Vivian walked into the confessional with a bunch of tissues. She sat down on the chair and took a deep breath. She looked up and smiled at the camera.

[Vivian: Back to where I left off. Ronnie. Man where do I start? We've had our ups and downs but man it's brought us closer. Yeah you hurt me, but I'm just glad it was me and not Sam. I know you would have regretted that so much more. You're an amazing brother. You've protected me so much. I was able to go to you when I felt I couldn't go to Pauly. I was able to go to you and have you just listen, not a lot of guys can do that. You'll make an amazing husband some day! Keep it up! Never stop!

Mike, wow. I've never kicked anyone out of my family and let them back in. You are a miricle worker. I'm SO proud of you for beating your demons! I couldn't be prouder. You have no idea how much I wanted to be there for you, but I knew, from you begging me that I meant my words, that you needed some tough love. Some people thing it was too tough of love, but you know what, shit happens. You knew you needed it, and that was your first step in healing! I'm so proud of you! You know you can call me anytime! I'll always be here to help you!

Vinny, you came back into my life full force. I never thought I would lose you let alone get you back in my life. I promise we will stay in contact. I love you Vin and I am proud to be your sister. You're the best brother, besides my 10 brothers, that a girl could ask for. You lead me right into the arms of my husband, your boyfriend and I can't be happier. You've been nothing but a godsent in my life. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures life is going to throw us into! king, my love, my better half, I can't believe a show, that I entered just for fun, never expecting to be added, would lead me to you. God it's like I'd been waiting my whole life for you. I would be lying if I said it was love at first sight, but when I heard you, a playboy at the time, promise to marry me and give me a wonderful family just settled it. You just didn't know a good relationship, and neither had I. I am so happy to have been able to get to meet you, be your girlfriend, then your wife and now the mother of our baby, you are too amazing for me. I don't know how I got so lucky. I love you, I can't say it enough, good thing we have the rest of our lives to say it.]

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