Baby's First Picture

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Vivian woke up to someone shaking her in the morning. She groaned and covered her head moving closer to Pauly. Pauly wrapped his arm tighter around her pulling her flat against his chest.

Mike: Viv. *shakes her* Viv. *shakes her harder* VIV! *spits on his finger and sticks it in her ear.


Pauly: *shooting up jumping over Vivian to protect her but rams into Mike* What the fuck man!

Mike: Sorry! I was trying to get Viv up. I just had a question for you guys plus it's like 12 in the afternoon and she said don't let her sleep past twelve.

Vivian: Was the wet willy really necessary? *rubbing her ear*

Mike: *shrugs* You weren't waking up.

Vivian: What do you need? *she curls back in her spot* 

Pauly climbed back into bed with her pulling the blankets over them as he buried his face in her neck his hand gently pressed against her belly.

Mike: Well......I have a date with Paula tonight, and I'm thinking of ending things with her. I was wondering if you and Pauly would come being like mediators because she can get pretty fucking violent.

Vivian: If you let me sleep another hour I will happily make Pauly come with me to help you.

Pauly: But babe!

Vivian: Shut up we're going.

Pauly: Yes my queen.

[Mike: Hopefully tonight won't be awful and I'll have my wing girl there to help keep me in check.]

Vivian nuzzled into Pauly some more sleeping again. Vinny walked in on the couple and chuckled softly. He quickly changed his clothes from the morning leaving a note for them on his bed. He then headed out to work.

Mike came back in an hour later and shook the couple awake. Pauly woke up and got dressed getting him and Vivian some drinks and food. He walked upstairs about to go into the bedroom when he heard puking. He walked to the bathroom and saw Vivian throwing up. He laid the food on a table in the hall. He grabbed one of her many hair ties that he now kept on his wrist and pulled her long hair back wrapping it up. He put it in a messy bun and rubbed her back kissing her head helping her the best her could.

Vivian choked out sobs around the puking. Pauly continued to rub her back to sooth her.

Vivian: I don't want you in here, you shouldn't have to see me like this.

Pauly: Like what? Having a normal reaction to what your beautiful body is doing to create our child? 

Vivian: Me looking disgusting and puking.

Pauly: That's what I just said.

Vivian: You're too much babe.

Pauly: Only for my queen.

Vivian smiled and finished what she was doing. She brushed her teeth before heading into the bedroom. She pulled on some clothes that were easy to move around before sitting and eating with Pauly. 

As they were eating she noticed a note on Vinny's bed. She grabbed it and smiled softly as she read the note.

Pauly: What is it babe?

Vivian: Vinny took over your shift.

Pauly: Oh shit! I forgot about that! I owe him! Remind me to pick up something for my boo while we're out.

Vivian: Okay babe.

Pauly winked at her and she laughed. They finished the food before heading down stairs where the roomies except Vinny, Ron, and Sam all sat. 

Deena: Are you excited to see the little peanut?

Vivian: Yes!

[Pauly: I've been excited since she told me she was pregnant I want to see that little one rock out at that DJ set Mama got 'em.]

Deena: We better get copies!

Vivian: Of course!

Pauly: Okay you clucking hens. We got to go! Let's go babe.

Vivian took Pauly's hand and the keys walking out of the house. They got into the car and Vivian took a deep breath. After she drove them to the office. They got all checked in and Vivian cuddled into Pauly's side. Pauly held her close rubbing her back kissing her head as he looked through a book of baby names.

[Vivian: Seeing Pauly. PAULY of all the people in the world looking at baby names, through me over the edge. It just got so real.]

Vivian smiled as a single tear fell. Pauly knew better than to ask her if she was crying. He simply turned his head and kissed her hear pressing his lips to her head for a few minutes before pulling away, resting his head on her hair and continuing through the book. He was making mental notes of all the names he liked as he had his girl on his arm and their baby growing inside her.

Doctor: Mr. and Mrs. DelVeccio?

Vivian: Here!

Vivian stood up and walked over to the doctor Pauly's hand held in hers. He gave it a squeeze as they walked through, baby name book still in hand. Vivian laid back lifting Pauly's shirt from her belly and pushing her leggings down a bit. The doctor put the gel on her belly and moved the wand around. They sad in silence then they heard it. Vivian teared up again. The second the heart beat was hear Pauly's head shot up to the monitor.

Pauly: Whoa. 

Vivian: That's our little baby, beating strong.

Pauly: Yeah. 

[Pauly: That of the best moments of my life. The face that Vivian has that little person growing in her.......I love her so much more. They are my world and nothing is going to ever change that.]

Pauly kissed Vivian lovingly holding her hand.

Pauly: You're even more beautiful now than ever.

Vivian: You're making me blush.

Pauly: Good cause I want you to always know I love you baby.

Vivian shook her head at him. The doctor took the pictures for them after the heart beat. Vivian laid her head on Pauly's shoulder as they waited for the doctor. The doctor had some meds for her and a few other things. When they got it all they headed back to the car. They sat together in the car away from the cameras to have a few moments alone.

Vivian: That's our little baby.

Pauly: Yeah. I can't wait. We're going to spoil this kid. She is going to be pampered.

Vivian: Y-you just said she.....

Pauly: I change my vote.

Vivian: I think she's going to be a spoiled Daddy's girl. Which means mommy get's her mama's boy.

Pauly: Hey I'm down for that. We have the time and money for have a few kids. We'll fill a house if you want. You're wish is my command baby girl.

Vivian: I love you so much.

Pauly: I've loved you since you moved into my life, because even then you moved into my heart.

Vivian: Who knew DJ Pauly D could be such a romantic.

Pauly: All the more to love you with my dear.

Vivian giggled and waved the camera guys over to they could get home and show the family the pictures.

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