Crazy Things

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Vivian and the group were at the bar. Vivian was pressed against Pauly dancing her arms wrapped around his neck as they shared kisses as the grinded up on each other. Mike was hanging out with Paula who was going crazy. She was dancing on tables meeting up with other guys and doing all the things Vivian told Mike was a bit no no.

[Mike: I never knew Paula could be this crazy.]

Vivian looked over and noticed Mike was not looking the best. Vivian smiled at her friend trying to help him still have some fun. After a bit Mike looked around and found Paula. He walked over and gently wrapped his arms around her as they started to dance together.

Vivian was standing there when Pauly had a glass dumped on him. Vivian moved so she could see the girl that had dumped a drink on him and found an woman not much taller than herself. 

Vivian: Why did you just do that to my husband?

Girl: Because he's a player! You married a player, he was with me three months ago, and ditched me!

Vivian: No he wasn't you lying whore.

Girl: How do you know that bitch.

Vivian: Because he was with me three months ago!

Girl: What?

Vivian: Pauly was in my house in Miami trying to win me back, he was there for a few weeks.

Girl: Not possible he was with me.

Vivian: I have video and picture proof.

Girl: B-but y-you two were broken up!

Vivian: Back the fuck off bitch.

Girl: You're just a fat cunt!

Vivian: Walk away.

Girl: Fuck you pig.

Vivian: Walk away.

Girl: How about you fucking walk away slut.

Vivian: Gladly.

Vivian took Pauly's hand and walked away with him. She held his hand tightly as they walked away. She sighed softly keeping his hand tight in her hands.

[Pauly: I have no clue how Vivi kept her cool, even I was losing my cool. No one talks to my girl like that. I don't fucking care how small and dainty you are. You don't talk to my wife like that!]

Vivian walked with Pauly over to the group where Vinny was missing.

[Vinny: They were together three months ago? So Pauly wasn't locked up in his house.......]

Vinny walked up to the coupl grabbing their arms and walked them to the balcony where it was quieter.

Vinny: Were you two really together three months ago?

Vivian looked up at Pauly. Pauly looked at her then at Vinny.

Pauly: It's hard to explain.

Vinny: Oh my god! Why didn't you two get back together!

Vivian: Because it just wasn't right. We weren't talking the whole time he was down then we both got drunk and had a one night stand, he left before I even woke up.

Vinny smacked Pauly in the head glaring at him. Pauly held his hands up in surrender as he looked over at his best friend.

Pauly: Hey in my defense I thought she regretted it. She was really drunk. I wanted her to just wake up and think it was a dream so I headed back to my hotel and spent the rest of my stay locked in my hotel room talking with Snickers and Jenni about Viv. I didn't want us getting back together because of some drunk one night stand. 

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