Strikes and Warnings

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Vivian got up early. She kissed Pauly and got dressed to head to the filming studio. She was going to be there with Mike Vinny and Sam to talk about what the strikes mean and all that. Vivian was getting ready when she heard the front door open.

Vinny: It's ME!

Vivian: BEDROOM!

Pauly: My boo's here!

Vivian laughed and was changing. Vinny walked in and walked over to the bed climbing in with Pauly. Vivian snapped a picture before she finished getting dressed. 

Vivian: Vin did you book the flourist for the wedding?

Vinny: Done and they said next wedding we do there will be a 50% discount because of how many you ordered.

Vivian: Cool. Babe does this look okay for filming?

Vivian had a crop top on and some nice jeans. The crop top has lace sleeves that covered her arms and hooked around her middle fingers.

Pauly: Do a spin babe.

Vivian spun around for him.

Pauly: Looks good! Don't forget you have that tattoo appointment tonight.

Vivian groaned but nodded her head.

Vinny: You're upset to get a tattoo what the hell!?

Vivian: Pauly wants me to get ViviD as a tramp stamp.

Pauly: Hey you lost the best on if they were going to be doing this episode!

Vivian: Bite my fat ass.

Pauly: Get over here and I will.

Vinny: I don't know how I feel about you smushing my soon to be sister in front of me.

Vivian: Vin sweetheart we smushed!

Vinny: True.

Vivian rolled her eyes and walked over to the bed climbing in and cuddling up to Pauly's other side.

Pauly: I got my main girl and my side guy in bed with me never thought I'd see the day. 

Vivian: If you were to do the devils threesome then you would.

Vinny: Oh god I forgot we made that agreement! 

Pauly: What?

Vivian: When we were younger we both agreed that if we were ever in a relationship and were going to do a three some the other had to be involved.

Pauly: You do know I have to agree to this right?

Vivian: I know baby.

Pauly: As long as you know. 

Vivian giggled and laid her head in his neck peppering kissing along his neck.

Pauly: Babe stop Vin's in the bed and you have to leave in five minutes.

Vivian pouted but nodded. They three just laid there then Vivian's alarm went off.

Vivian: Let's go Vin!

Vinny: Okay bye boo!

Vinny kissed Pauly's cheek. Vivian laughed. She leaned down kissing Pauly who smacked her ass. Vivian laughed and walked out with Vinny. She climbed in the passenger's seat and laid back. They did the long drive to the studio. They finally got there at noon and were going to start filming at 3. They got into hair and make up then went and waited in the guest room. As they waited the other two showed up. They greeted each other and sat around talking.

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