The Reunion Part 2

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Julissa: And we are back. We just confirmed Pauly and Vivian's arrangments, Mike and Vivian confirmed their agreement. Now let's see how the roomies feel about it.

Snookie: Hey she's a grown woman. Besides there are a lot worse guys that she could be fucking.

Jenni: Exactally. Like she said, we've all had a friends with benefits before nothing wrong with that.

Ronnie: Hey it's her life. Besides it's not like she's doing it to get something they are both doing it just to get a release like the rest of us.

Sammi: She can fuck assholes all she wants she already did Mark. I just hope Mike doesn't break her heart.

Vivian: Thanks for bringing up that pain.

Sammi: That wasn't the intention sorry.

Julissa: Mark is actually in the audience right now.

Vivian: He better be fucking staying there.

Jenni: Agreed unless you want homeboy beat.

Julissa: He's actually on his way on stage now.

Pauly put his arm around Vivian and Vinny moved closer. Vivian kept her head forward refusing to acknowledge him.

Mark: Hey guys. Hey Viv.

Vivian: *still looking at the crowd* It's Vivian to you.

Julissa: So first question Mark what made you do this to Vivian?

Mark: *shrugs* Just a girl that happened to be there and had the kinda look that told me she was desperate.

Mike: I know you're not talking about my home girl.

Mark: I am she was dressed like she just needed someone to fuck her cause none of you in the house were going to touch her. I don't blame you.

Pauly: The fuck did you just say? Anyone of us guys would be lucky if she chose to sleep with us. So you best back off my dude!

Vivian: Pauly don't. Just let him think what he wants.

Pauly: No fucking way. I'm not letting him destroy your name.

Vinny pulled Vivian backed letting Pauly get in the guys face.

Mark: She's a whore. She's made out with you, slept with that douche bag and probably sleeping with that douche behind your backs!

Pauly: Get out of here and you best stay away from my girl.

Mark: Your girl?

Pauly: Yeah my girl because she is under my protection until the end of time. So go fuck yourself.

Mark: Fuck you guys. You're just a fake. All of you are fakes and just wanna bes!

Vivian rips away from Vinny and runs up taking down Mark and beating the shit out of him. Security pulled her off and threw her into Pauly who held her against his body as she tried running to fight him.

Vivian: Say what you fucking want about me but don't you say a fucking word about my family. You mess with my family you're going to get the fucking bull! I'll make you regret every letter that's left your fucking mouth you punk ass wanna be. I faked everything in the fucking relationship. You couldn't make a fucking virgin cum! So take your bitch ass and go home cause ain't no body got time for a guy who's ego is bigger than his dick! And I know first hand!

Pauly looked at the camera with a shocked face. Vinny chuckled and smirked as he walked over to his two friends. The girls including Angelina were throwing their waters at the guy as he was dragged off the stage giving death threats. Vivian tapped Pauly's arm as she put her hair in a ponytail and sat back in her seat her arms crossed over her chest. Pauly kissed her head and sat down with her as Vinny patter her leg. He pulled her arms from her chest and held her hand in a protective way.

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