The Last Day

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[Vivian: So I woke up this morning and the house just had a sad vibe. Today is the last day in the house.....and I'm not ready for it.]

Vivian sighed and packed up her bedding putting on a comfy clothes that made her comfortable. When she walked down she saw everyone was ready to go. Ronnie had gotten out the day after he was taken in and they spent the rest of the week celebrating. Vivian sighed as she made one last breakfast for the group. The whole house was quiet. Pauly didn't like that so he did what he did best, made some noise. 

The music started bouncing in the house and he pulled Vivian close dancing with her holding her waist as he held onto her dancing and laughing.

Vivian: You always know how to bring the life to the house Pauly!

Pauly: Yeah Buddy. Don't you forget it!

Vivian laughed and nodded her head and then continued to dance with Pauly. Then she started doing a random dance with Vinny. After an hour of dancing the first person had to leave, Mike. Vivian walked up to her best friend and hugged him tightly after her hugged the other.

Vivian: Text me. You're amazing and I can't see my life without you please promise you'll text me.

Mike: Anything to keep you as family. You're a strong one, stay strong!

[Mike: So this started out rocky, we had a rodent problem in the beginning but then we got this amazing chick who made the house amazing. She wasn't afraid to be who she was and show everyone that she meant business. Snookie was a lot of fun, fun to mess with. Jenni is a pretty cool Chick, Sam just ended up being a playing bitch. Ronnie is a good guy and I hope he gets away from that bitch. Pauly is a good guy but needs to get his act together. Vinny was amazing and a pretty cool guy.]

After Mike left next was Ronnie and Sammi. Vivian hugged them each tightly holding onto them as they started to leave.

[Ron: This was an amazing experience, even though I broke my own rule, but hey you can find love anywhere now. Sam is one of the best things to happen in my life, I'm really glad I came. The guys have all been amazing and amazing friends. The girls, though there was some drama they turned out amazing. Vivian was an amazing addition to the family, I don't think we could have made the rest of the summer without her. I love my new family and I can't wait to see where life takes us. See you next season.]

[Sam: This was a ton of fun, amazing and great to be here. I know I got in fights but I feel I made some amazing friends. Vivian and I were deff the closest out of all the girls. She's cool and pretty awesome. There were some ups and downs with everyone but in the end we ended up one big family and I couldn't ask for anything better. I have amazing new people in my life and this is deff going to be on my mind forever before I love them all.]

The next to leave was Jenni. Jenni hugged everyone and held onto Snookie the longest.

[Jenni: I started off not liking Snookie but her and I got really close. I am walking away with a best friend. We've already made plans to meet up at the next month. We are planning on doing some things. Things for crazy and I'm still routing for the two people in the house everyone loves. Pauly and Vivi are going to be a thing, on my last breath they will be a thing. Vinny told us what their ship name should be and I ship it 100% #ViviD forever!]

After Jenny was Snookie. She clung to Vivian and Vinny tightly as she cried holding onto the two for a long hug. She then hugged Pauly whispering in his ear.

Snookie: You try hard for that girl. I can see you like her.

Pauly chuckled and kissed her head helping her get her bags in the car.

[Snookie: I started out the outcast and quickly became part of the family. Viv was a wonderful addition and I plan to hang out with her more next season. She and Pauly WILL be together if I have anything to say about it. I'm not letting this go I will remember it, I promise. I love these people they are my family. I would probably be dead without them this summer. I love getting to be apart of these peoples family. #ViviD]

Next to leave was Vivian and Vinny. They both hugged Pauly tightly until their car honked. Vinny took the bags to the car while Vivian held onto Pauly.

Vivian: Promise to visit?

Pauly: I will do just that girl. Don't think you're getting rid of me that easily. I love you Vivi.

Vivian: I love you too Pauly.

Pauly leaned in and pecked her lips as he laid their heads together.

[Vinny: I've made some amazing friends and gotten to reconnect with a girl I thought I would never have in my life again. I made a best guy friend because lord knows I need some guys in my life instead of all these women that I'm close to. Vivian made the house so much brighter, just like she does with everything. I can't wait to see her and I can't wait to show the world just how strong our connections in the house are next season.]

Vivian: I can't wait to see what the future holds for our friendship.

Pauly: Me too.

He kissed her one more time before walking her to the car. He leaned in the car kissing Vinny's cheek then Vivian's cheek as he buckled her up. He shut the door and waved them off.

[Vivian: I have so much to say and so little time. My summer was the best. This all started because of a dare from a friend. I made some amazing new friends, made some amazing connections. I love every person in the house. This family is mine and I'm not letting it go. I can't wait for next season to see what's going on and what will happen. Getting reunited with Vinny was one of my favorite things. Getting that promise from Pauly was another. Smushing with Mike was really good. RonRon juice with Ronnie and Sam amazing. Partying with Jenni and Snookie. I couldn't ask for anything better.]

After the two left Pauly made his way to his car locking the house. He walked over to his car climbing in looking back at the shore house before looking down at a photo he Vivian and Vinny took in the photo booth on one of Vivian's first days.

[Pauly: I'm leaving this summer with some awesome memories and some amazing new friends. Snookie started out rough but became my favorite girl to take shots with and hang out. Jenni, proved she was a force to be reckoned with. Sam proved to be the bitch she said she is, but in a good way. Ronnie, the dude knows how to make a mean drink. RON RON JUICE. The Situation, he was a total asshole but you know what, we all are at some point, I just hope he's changed by next season. Vinny, he became my guy. He's the best and I couldn't have asked for a better friend out of this house. As for Vivi. What can I say? That girl is one of a kind, she's like a guidette from heaven. It's almost like the big guy sent her down to be in our lives. I can't wait to see where things go next season....yeah buddy!]

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