Girls Day and Guys Grenades

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Vivian and the girls were out getting their nails done and just talked. Angelina apologized to the girls that she had beef with. Vivian got separated from the other girls when their feet were getting done.

Angelina: So do you guys thing Vivian and Pauly will get together?

Snooki: Eventually why do you ask?

Angelina: I sent Elliot packing. 

Jenni: You did what!?

Angelina: I sent Elliot packing. I even gave him a reason not to go back to her.

Snooki: Why would you do that!?

[Jenni: I just......I can't believe she's ruining our hard work. Snooki: This is aweful, so much for getting them together this season.....I need wine.]

Angelina: Because we all want and know they belong together.

Snooki: But we don't want to hurt them in the process! You probably just set poor Viv back! 

Angelina: Oh please she was trying to start a relationship with that dumbass!

Jenni: You should have just let them be! Things are going to be a lot harder now.

Vivian came back after she was finished and the arguing ended. Snooki and Jenni weren't too happy but they weren't making it evident. Vivian laid back her head resting on the back of the chair she was sitting in as she fingered the bottom of her shirt just sitting there thinking.

Jenni: You okay boo?

Vivian: Just trying to think of what I did wrong.....

Jenni: YOU didn't do anything.

Vivian sighed and shrugged as she looked at her friends and shook her head.

Vivian: It's whatever. I'll get over it.

The girls headed home and found all the guys were home. Vivian walked up to her room putting her shoes in her room before walking downstairs and sitting on the couch. Angelina walked over to Vivian and sat next to her.

Angelina:'s okay if I call you that right?

Vivian: Of course. You haven't given me a reason to be mad at you so you're a friend meaning you can call me that.

[Angelina: *bitting her lip* I think I just f***ed myself with my only friend in this whole place......]

Angelina: I just want you to know that none of this is your fault.

Vivian hugged Angelina.

Vivian: Thanks Ang. 

Angelina: Anytime.

Jenni shook her head and walked into the kitchen seething. Mike and Vinny were in the room with Snooki. Snooki knew whey she was angry but the boys were a bit confused on what had just happened.

Vinny: Jwoww what's wrong?

Jwoww: Angelina.

Mike: What did she do this time? 

Snooki sighed and handed Jwoww a glass of wine.

Jenni downed the glass before setting it down. She made sure the other two weren't coming into the kitchen anytime soon. She then leaned in close staying near the boys.

Jenni: Angelina is the reason Elliot left.

Vinny: What?!

Jenni: When we were at the nail place Viv got taken from us, and while she was away Angelina revealed she took Elliot, smushed him and sent him on his way.

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