Getting Ready

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Vivian stopped beating Pauly with the sandal and made her way back downstairs where the roomies were all laughing at them. Vivian rolled her eyes as she sat where Pauly had been sitting.

[Pauly: *rubbing his arms where he was hit* Man that hurt Vivi! Vivian: *arms crossed over her chest* Oh shut up you deserved it and you know it. Pauly: Fine will you at least kiss it better? Vivian: Fine. *leans in to kiss his arm and Pauly skill fully lifts her chin catching her lips* ]

Vinny: Come on you know when mom thinks two people are going to be a couple they will be eventually.

Vivian: You're only saying that because you never wanted to admit to her that we were a couple.

Vinny: True, but you know I'm right.

Vivian: Shut the fuck up Vinny. Pauly isn't looking for that, we both know that.

Pauly: She's right, I ain't looking for anything like that now but doesn't mean a date once in a while isn't okay.

[Pauly: Do I want a relationship right now? No. Would I be in one? Maybe. Would I get into a relationship with Vivian? Yeah.]

Vivian: If it's the same person over and over that's called leading them on, and I'm not for that game Pauly.

Pauly: Who said it would be you all the time? *plops next to her on the couch*

Vivian: *gestures to Pauly* The reason I don't date everyone!

Pauly punched her arm laughing as he shook his head looking at her watching her with a chuckle. Vivian punched his arm back and shook her head. Pauly laughed and shook his head and grabbed her hands that were about to punch him again when he noticed her dress hiked up a bit revealing a tattoo. Pauly pushed the fabric up a bit and looked at the tattoo.

Pauly: Who's Antonio James Rossi?

Vivian frowned then looked down, she sighed softly and rubbed a thumb over her tattoo.

Vivian: He was my brother. Toni was my best friend. He and I shared Vinny as our best friend. When Vinny and I started dating he was our biggest supporter. Toni was the only one that new for a few months then he just busted out and told everyone at our Christmas party. That was the best......then he was killed in a crash. He was riding his bike hit.

[Snookie: There is a reason I don't like bikes....and that story is a big reason to prove why!]

Vinny: He wore all his safety gear but he died cause they missed a shard of glass in his stomach. He died in the hospital, this was like a week after we broke up, so to let him die in peace we got back together and stayed together for a while before the relationship just naturally fell apart again.

Sammi: I'm soo sorry.....

[Sammi: I really didn't know what to say. I one deserves that kind of pain. I can't believe someone so sweet went through something like that.]

Vivian: Don't be. He lived his life, he was happy. That's all we can ask for. Toni will always be alive through me. I carry the same blood as him and I know he's watching me and keeping an eye on me guiding me.

Ronnie: I can't imagine losing one of my brother's.

Vivian: You never think it will happen to you, but you know what, life only gives us what he knows we can handle. *smiles light heartedly*

Pauly: *pulls her into his chest* That's the positivity that life needs.

[Pauly: This girl has a positivity that we all need. I've never met someone with so much positive outlook. This girl is one of a kind.]

Vivian laid on his chest and nodded his head. She smiled a bit and remained against his chest as they were sitting together talking a bit.

Ronnie: *teasing* So when are you planning on doing the date?

Pauly: This weekend when her and I will be the only ones in the house.

Vivian: Why will we be the only ones in the house?

Jenni: The girls and I are going to take a trip into the city.

Vinny: Then us guys are doing an all day GTL.

Vivian: Ah sounds good.

Pauly: Yeah buddy!

Vivian rolled her eyes and sat up away from the guy. She sat up and checked the time. She held her skirt over her ass and stood up carefully.

[Snookie: This girl is smart. She knows how to keep Pauly wanting more. Smart girl. I'm glad to call her one of my boos.]

Sam: Where you going?

Vivian: To get dressed so we can go to Karma.

Vinny: Oh shit it is time isn't it?

Vivian nodded and made her way upstairs. She stripped her dress and pulled on a new one for the night. She pulled on a pretty light blue dress that moved freely as she moved and rested mid thigh. She threw on a pair of white heels and some jewelry. She finished getting dressed and started doing her make-up. Pauly walked in the room to put on his wife beater tank.

Pauly: I don't get why you girls put that shit on. You look good without it.

Vivian: It's not, for me at least, about the looks it's more how it makes me feel. For most other girls though it's cause they had guys make them feel like they need it to be pretty.

Pauly: Did someone do that to you? *sits on his bed looking over at her*

Vivian: No my boyfriends knew better because Vinny was always there to remind them and me.

Pauly: Vinny seems the guy.

[Ronnie: I walk by The Terrible Trio's room and hear Pauly subtly feeling around Vivian's personality. I can garuntee if they weren't alone Pauly would not be asking those questions.]

Vivian laughed and nodded her head as she started curling her hair in her mirror. She kept curling her hair until it looked nice. She put hairspray all around her hair and went to grab something when she found one of Mark's shirts. Pauly noticed Vivian reach for something and he found her staring at the assholes shirt. He shook his head and walked over taking the shirt from her hands carefully.

Pauly: Don't do this to yourself Vivi.

Vivian: Oh believe me I don't give a shit, and I don't give second chances. Once I've drunk myself black out, it's like a reset I don't have those feelings anymore.

Pauly: I can only imagine. I remember that night. *chuckles*

Vivian: Did I do anything stupid?

Pauly: *chuckles and sits next to her* No, you were actually being adorable.

Vivian: *rolls her eyes* Whatever I'm never adorable.

Vinny: *walking in* Don't start with that shit Viv. Besides you were being adorable that night. It was funny.

Vivian: *groaning* What did I do?

Vinny: *Smirks* Ask Pauly, he's the one that had the best view of it all.

Vivian groaned and looked over at Pauly who chuckled and wrapped his arm around the girl pulling her close against his chest for the second time that night kissing her head gently smiling at her.

[Vivian: F**** my life! If he tells me we smushed or some shit like that I'm not looking forward to any of this. F****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

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