First Day

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Vivian sat with the family. She leaned into Pauly the Unit creeping on her in a low key way. She ended up feeling so uncomfortable she put on sweats and a sweater. She laid cuddled between Pauly and Vinny hopping to keep the unit at bay but things just weren't comfortable for anyone.

Pauly kept his arm around Vivian and his hand clearly placed on her ass. He gripped her tighter to him and kissed her head. Vivian nuzzled his neck and sighed softly as she leaned against him. Pauly kept a firm grip. Vinny was ready to jump up and tackle the unit any second. Mike was in a mental battle between protecting Viv and letting his friend just flirt. The girls were all watching closely ready to take a dive if need be. Ronnie sat in the chair sipping his beer a close eye on the unit who was shamelessly staring at Vivian and looking her over. 

[The Unit: What can I say, when I see a cute girl I'll go after her until she's forgotten her problems.]

Mike could feel the tension not only with his friend but with himself. He knew everyone was still against him, the only one that seemed okay with him was Vivian. He was thankful for that and was going to try and use that to his advantage. Vivian nuzzled into Pauly just hiding her face into his neck. She wasn't normally like this but with the stare down she felt very small and powerless in her own home. She was starting to feel uneasy.

Ronnie noticed how tense Vivian was and how pissed Pauly was that he decided to step in.

Ronnie: Back off. She doesn't like you're eyes creeping on her! Leave her the hell alone.

The Unit: Let her say that.

Vivian: Leave me alone.

Unit: Come on baby don't be like that. 

Vivian rolled her eyes and headed out. She went to sit with the girls up in her room to get away from the Unit. Pauly rolled his eyes as the unit was going one about a story of this girl he fucked, then he finally went upstairs to use the bathroom. 

Vivian was with the girls when the Unit popped his head in. 

Jenni: Get the fuck out of here.

Unit: I come in peace. I just want to apologize. Can we talk alone?

Vivian frowned not feeling comfortable but nodded her head. She got up and followed him. She kept close to the door incase something happened. The Unit looked down at her and she instantly felt tiny. Vivian didn't know what happened all she knew was she was scooped into a kiss and her first instinct was to scream.

[Pauly: I hear Vivian scream and I'm booking it up those stairs. As I'm going up all I'm thinking about is the ways I'm going to kill that bastard.]

Vivian kicked him in the groin hard and grabbed her emergency pepper spray she's had on her since meeting the unit. She whipped around only to run into a chest. She screamed again shoving past them and running. She kept running until she was outside. She stood on the back porch shaking. She stood there wide eyed horrified by what had just happened.

Pauly left Vivian run past him. He ripped the unit from the floor and dragged him down the stairs landing him on the living room floor. He dumped water on him glaring.

Ronnie pulled Pauly back knowing how angry he was. Vinny frowned and knew this wasn't helping him. He felt even worse, knowing his sister was hurt. He took the chance to sneak away and went to Vivian. He saw her crying on the bench. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. Vivian sobbed into his chest and nuzzled his neck.

Vinny: Hey, it's okay.

Vivian: No it's not. I cheated and Pauly's going to leave me.

Vinny: No you didn't. Pauly isn't going to leave you.

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