Vinny's Family

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Vivian was up and getting dressed pulling on a cute outfit that was comfortable and classy. She looked over herself making sure she looked presentable for Vinny's family. She knew a good majority of them were coming and she wanted to be ready. After making sure she was dressed and looking nice she walked down to  the kitchen seeing Vinny and Pauly talking.

Vivian: Vinny does this look okay?

Pauly: Whoa.......

Vivian giggled and blew a kiss waiting for Vinny to answer.

Vinny: Looks good, nice choice. You picked the dress she got you for your 19th and the necklace uncle Nino got you.

Vivian: Yeah, I thought it would be a nice way to greet them after almost 6 years of not seeing them.

Vinny nodded as he looked over at his friend. He walked over kissing Vivian's head as he handed her a smoothie. She smiled thankfully and started sipping the smoothing as she sat in the living room. The whole family came down and made sure that they were ready. As the group sat sitting and talking they heard a knock on the door. Vivian jumps up and decides to hide in the kitchen knowing that's the first place his mom was going.

[Vivian: So I haven't seen Vinny's family since after graduation. I want to surprise them so I hide in the kitchen where I know mama is going to be heading after getting welcomed.]

Vivian heard the commotion of everyone being greeted. She then stood bitting her lip as she waited for her second mother as she liked to call her. Vivian heard the shuffle of feet. She looked at the door and saw the older woman gasp in delight.

Vinny's Mom: VIVIANA!

Vivian laughed and met the woman half way hugging her tightly as she rocked them back and forth.

VM: Why didn't you tell me Viviana was living with you! It would have been worth a phone call.

[The whole house but Vinny and Vivian: Ooooooooooooooo Vinny's in trouble!]

Vivian hugged her tightly then she was pulled into a hug by Uncle Nino. Vivian laughed and hugged the uncle before moving onto the rest of the family. She then saw the boys bringing in all the food. Vivian laughed and looked at them all shaking her head. She helped mama take the wrappings off and serve people.

[Pauly: *shakes his head* I think I'm seeing what Vivian is going to be like in 50 years.......that's.......damn.....]

[Vinny: Now I remember where Vivian gets the not eating till everyone else does.......]

Vivian was helped pass out the food. She then started serving Mama but she was refusing.

Vivian: Mama you know my rule! You make the food I serve the food! Sit down and eat, everyone knows you need a hot meal once in a while.

Nino: Listen to the girl, you know she's right. I still don't know how Vinchenzo let you get away!

Vivian: *laughing* It's hard to keep up with me Nino.

Nino: *scoffs* You're the prettiest thing he ever brought home! I say slap a ring on it!

Mama: Hush Nino they weren't that happy together.

Vivian: *rolling her eyes* We were happy just not in the way a couple should be.

Pauly: *raising his hand* Can I get some more over here?

Vivian laughed and then she walks over and puts some more on his plate.

Pauly grabs her arm gently and tugs her down kissing her cheek gently. Vivian smiled and kissed his head before serving some more to the others.

[Vivian: So Pauly pulls me down and give me a kiss on the cheek, and it's stuff that's normal. Then I remembered Mama is this.....and oh hell.........the gates have been opened and I'm praying that this isn't going to go the way I think it will......but with my luck......*sighs and crosses fingers closing her eyes*]

Mama: So how long have you two been together? *pointing from Vivian to Pauly*

Pauly choked on his food while Vivian froze midscoop looking at the woman that just asked the craziest question.

Mama: Oh.......should I say WHEN are you two getting together?

[Mike: *laughing and bending over holding his stomach*]

[Snooki: Told you booboo! Jenni: I'll admit I thought she was going to obsess about Vinny and Vivian getting back together! Sammi: I'm just shocked the bowl of pasta didn't end up on Mike's head......]

[Ronnie: Oh man.....I just..........that couldn't be more perfect. Vinny: Wanna bet?]

Vivian shock her head and was about to answer when Vinny piped up.

Vinny: Mom don't bother them. The only share the same bed and kiss, it's kind of a.....casual relationship you know.

[Vinny: Vivian that's for all the times you pointed out my crush to my mom. Have a taste of your own medicine! *throws punches towards the camera*]

Vivian paled seeing Mama give her a look. Vivian shot Vinny a glare and shook her head.

Mama: Well he needs to tie you down. You aren't waiting for no man, so make it count mister.

Pauly straightened up and nodded his head. He stood up and walked over to Vivian. He grabbed her hand and kneeled down before her.

Vivian: Don't......

Pauly: Vivian, you're so beautiful and perfect......and I love getting to steal kisses, but I want those kisses to be mine, so will you go on a date with me...........

[Ronnie: Okay......that was better.]

Vivian: *bright red* Pauly don't encourage her.

Pauly: Answer or I'll follow you around on my knees.

Vivian: *groaning* One date that's it!

Pauly: *jumping up picking her up and spinning her* YEAH BUDDY!

Vivian laughed and put her hands on his shoulders as she shook her head leaning back against his hold to balance them. Pauly put her down before he walked over and sat down eating. He would throw her a wink any time she looked over at him. Vivian then helped clean up dinner and had a plate of food alone in the kitchen. After she was done she walked out and found no place to sit so she sat on the floor.

Nino: Pauly let your girl sit in your lap, what's the matter with you?

Vivian: I'm fine uncle Nino.

Nino: You have a man use him to fit your needs.

Vivian turned bright red while Pauly and the rest of the house laughed.

[Vinny: My uncle Nino everyone! Embarrassing you even if you aren't family!]

Vivian didn't want to argue so she sat in Pauly's lap crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back cuddling into his chest.

After a few hours talking with the family they started to head back home. Vivian gave Mama her home and work address so she could see him. When they were gone she ripped off her sandal and started chasing Pauly with it. Pauly laughed as he ran from her and up to their room where he fell on her bed and she started beating him with the sandal.

Vivian: You asshole! You Encouraged her!

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