Surprising Vivian

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Vivian laughed as Vinny walked with her around the little farmers market just outside the city. They were hanging out like they used to.

Vivian: So what made you bring us here?

Vinny: I figured we could hang out and recreate some shit we did as kids. I mean you are the best sister in the world.

Vivian: You're the best brother. So what are we recreating?

Vinny smirked and picked her up. He ran over to an old timey photo booth.

Vinny: Remember when our mom's made us do these every fair?

Vivian: Yes!

Vinny: Well that's what we're doing right now!

Vivian giggled and nodded. She pulled on the old timey clothes and sat in the chair. The guy took the picture of them and Vivian laughed as Vinny paid for four of them.

Vivian: Why did you get four?

Vinny: One for you and Pauly, one for me, one for Mom and Dad, and the last one, to put with your mom's ashes, so she has a copy.

Vivian: Oh Vinny.

Vinny hugged her tightly burying his head in her neck as he held her close. He kissed her temple and pulled her tight against his body.

[Vinny: I know Viv. I know with her mom gone this pregnancy is going to be hard, but I know how to help her through.] 

Vivian smiled into the hug and cuddled into her brother. She laid her head against his chest before they walked off. They wandered around for a few hours. Vivian finally got some texts from Pauly telling them they need to get home before dark.

Vivian: Let's go papa bear is calling.

Vinny: Yeah, he can't be away from Mama and baby for too long.

Vivian laughed as they walked to the car together. Vivian and Vinny rocked out the whole ride home. They danced and sang in their seats being the idiots they were. Vivian laughed throwing her head back as they were talking about old times.

Vinny: Remember that time you got so wasted that I had to tell your dad that you were dizzy from cartwheels.

Vivian: Remember that time I had to have your mom pull our car from the ditch because you kicked the parking break while we were making out?

Vinny: Okay, I'm best friend / brother I have to ask, compared to us, where's the weirdest place you two have smushed.

Vivan bit her lip shaking her head.

Vinny: You have to tell me Viv.

Vivian: You don't want to know!

Vinny: Tell me!

Vivian: You can't get mad!

Vinny: Fine!

Vivian: In the closet of your house when you were having that massive New Year's party! Let's just say I had more than a first New Year's kiss that night!


Vivian blushed and nodded laughing as she saw Vinny's horrified face.


Vivian giggled as they pulled up to the house. Vinny helped her out of the car and gave her a shirt.

Vinny: Put this on and no peaking.

Vivian frowned but nodded. She looked up at her brother and sighed. She pulled on the shirt and he walked her in with his hands over her eyes. He nodded to the family walking her over to a chair that had lost of balloons on it. He helped her sit down.

Vinny: Hey Viv?

Vivian: Yeah?

Vinny: Remember how we were talking about memories in the car?

Vivian: Yeah.....

Vinny: Remember that time Pauly and I set up a fake fight between you and I so we could give you an awesome surprise baby shower? 

Vinny uncovered her eyes and the whole house yelled surprise. Vivian gasped her hands over her mouth in shock. She then looked down at the shirt and saw a cape and crown that read 'Princess or Prince?'.

Vivian looked at her family tears in her eyes then she felt something put on her head.

Vivian :What?

Pauly kneeled next to her having a crown on his blowout.

Pauly: You didn't get to wear your dream dress or your crown that I bought you, so I figured right now would be a good time for the crown and later a good time for the dress.

Vivian looked down at him tears in her eyes as she leaned against his chest. She nuzzled his neck and hugged him tightly as she cuddled close to her husband.

Pauly: My queen deserves her crown.

Vivian laughed and hugged him tightly as she shook her head at her husband pulling him into a long hard kiss.

[Pauly: Operation surprise Vivian was a success, now to keep the honeymoon a surprise until we leave. Let's just say, she won't be needing a bathing suit where we're going!]

Vivian smiled and sighed softly as Pauly sat on the floor next to her.

Vivian: Why don't you sit in a chair?

Pauly: Because then I would be taller and you outrank me babe.

Vivian blushed and held onto him. She sat there and then the family watched them. They passed around gifts and played games. Each of the roomies got the baby a gift that some how related to the person giving the gift. Vivian giggled as they got something from everyone.

Vivian: Is that it?

Papa: Not quite. Here.

Vivian looked at him confused. She took the box and inside was a nice little outfit that said, 'Hand picked by my nonna in heaven!'

Vivian gushed and awed as she looked at the little onsie.

Papa: This last one is from your brother's.

Vivian took the little tube and picked up the card before opening it.

Vivian: 'Viv. You're always going to be our little sister, you're always going to be a pain in the ass, but one thing you'll never be is a strange to New York. We all know that you and your friend's want to stay close and stay connected, so we did a little something. We love you and we hope it's big enough for all the little babies you'll have running around. Love the Brother Squad.' 

Vivian opened the tube and her eyes got wide.

[Vivian: *holding up the paper* They bought me and Pauly a house in New York!]

Pauly: No way! I'm paying them back.

Papa: You two do so much for other people, let them do this.

Vivian started crying with joy at her generous family.

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