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Vivian's P.O.V

I woke up to a kiss on my lips. I kissed back knowing it was Pauly. I wrapped my arms around his neck thinking he was just looking for a morning make out.

Pauly: Get up Vivi. You and I have work in an hour.

I sighed and nodded shoving him out of my bed before getting up. I pulled on a shirt and some work appropriate shorts. I threw on some sneakers then threw my hair in a high ponytail. I smiled making sure my hair was not too long to be in the way of the tshirt press. Once I was ready I walked over to the kitchen and made some protein smoothies for and and Pauly then made some breakfast for the rest so they could eat when they wake.

3rd Person

Pauly walked into the kitchen and saw Vivian. He walked over grabbing his smoothie. He wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned down kissing her head as he held her tightly against his body.

Pauly: Thanks for the breakfast boo.

Vivian leaned into his kiss.

Vivian: Anytime. Come let's go before we are late.

Pauly and Vivian walked sipping their protein shakes as they made their way to the Shore Store. Vivian helped Pauly open the doors and they got in getting started. Pauly was put to work putting up boxes while Vivian was up front helping customers.

Danny walked over to Vivian leaning on the counter near her.

Danny: So tell me a bit about yourself.

Vivian: Nothing much to know. I'm from Staten, Vin and I are good friends. I auditioned just cause I was bored at home and a friend insisted that I should. Then here I am just looking to hang around and make some friends.

Danny: That sounds awesome. So is there any history between you and Vinny?

Vivian: We used to date, things just didn't feel right so we agreed that we were better off as friends.

Danny: Cool none of those feelings are still there? Just to clarify.

Pauly's P.O.V

[Pauly: So I walk out after a box fell on my head and gave me a narly cut. As I'm heading up front to get a bandage, I see Danny creeping on Vivi. And I respect Danny, but dude stick to girls in your field!]

I walked over seeing Vivi was uncomfortable. I walked close to her.

Pauly: Hey boo, can you check my head? A box fell on it.

Vivian: Yeah come on around and I'll check. Danny can you get the first aid kit?

Danny grumbled that he would and walked by as I moved and sat in front of Vivi. I felt her hands start to make their way through my spiked hair. 

3rd Person

Vivian kept rubbing her hands through his hair looking for the bleeding spot. She finally found it, and noticed his eyes were closed, he must had been enjoying the stroking of his hair. Vivian took the kit from Danny's hand and cleaned the cut.

Vivian: How heavy was that box Pauly?

Pauly: Not too heavy it was up high, it was mainly like a scrap box of old shirts that will be heading back, why Vivi?

Vivian: Because it will help me determine to tell you if you should go to the hospital.

Danny: I think you should go just to be safe Pauly. Don't you think Vivi?

Vivian stared at Danny and then looked down at Pauly.

Vivian: Don't call me Vivi.

Danny: Why?

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