A Day at Home

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Vivian's P.O.V

This morning I woke up got dressed in a comfy outfit. I decided to steal some of Vinny's clothes, like I did in high school. I made breakfast for everyone and laid down on the couch. I had my breakfast on the balcony. I was the only one up for a while and it made was peaceful as I laid down on the bench. I curled up on a tanning chair and laid back enjoying the sun. I laid out there for a few hours before I heard some noise inside the house. I knew the roomies were up so I laid down in bed and just stayed put. I heard the noise get a bit louder and knew they were in the kitchen and decided not to move.

3rd Person

The group sat down having breakfast. They all sat eating happily and grinned at the good tasting food enjoying the flavor of everything.

[Pauly: So again we wake up with an amazing breakfast and things are just getting good. The only thing going through my mind is, 'wifey material']

Pauly: Who made this?

Vinny: The only person crazy enough to be awake at 9 in the morning.

Ronnie: Viv made this?

Sam: This is amazing.

Snookie: Hell yeah!

Jenni: Really good.

Mike: Almost as good as my cooking.

The group finished their food and cleaned up the dishes.

Pauly: Where is Vivi anyways?

Vinny: I don't know, probably somewhere in the house, maybe even on the top deck.

Pauly: I'mma go check.

Vinny nodded and waved his friend off.

[Vinny: He's got it so bad for her bro. Ronnie: Oh yeah.]

Pauly walked up on the deck and saw Vivian laying on the tanning chair. Pauly walked over and looked at the girl watching her close. He noticed she hadn't noticed him, so he did the only logical thing, he sat on her.

Pauly: Ah nice and comfy.

Vivian: PAULY! GET OFF ME! *laughing*

Pauly: Nah you're comfy.

Vivian laughed and shoved him off shaking her head. She sat up in her seat and looked down at him over the side of the chair. Pauly laid back casually.

Pauly: Sup hot stuff?

Vivian: Nothing much. Now if you ask nicely you can lay down next to me.

Pauly nodded and stood up. He brushed off his back.

Pauly: Can I lay with you?

Vivian: Yeah.

Pauly laid down next to her letting her use his arm as a pillow. He laid back the other arm behind his head as he sat in the tiny chair with the cute girl.

[Pauly: So this is the second time I'm cuddled up to this girl talking with her. It's nice, something I don't get to do often with the roomies, and it's just nice.]

Vivian: This is comfy.

Pauly: Very.

Vivian laid against his chest and enjoyed the sun against her skin.

Pauly: You in Vinny's clothes?

Vivian: Yeah, he let's me steal his clothes all the time.

Pauly: That's cool, if you want you can steal my clothes as well.

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