The Talk

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Mike had been lucky enough to catch his ride from the wedding with Pauly and Vinny. Mike took front while Vinny took back wanting to monitor this conversation.

Vinny laid back in his seat as he sat there with the two.

Pauly: How you been man?

Mike sighed and leaned back.

Mike: Fine but bummed about you and Vivian.

Pauly: It's okay. I didn't want that negativity in my life.

Mike: I keep hearing that you are blaming her for not visiting me is that right?

Pauly: Yeah, she just gave up on you man.

Mike: No, man, I told her to not visit. She told me I was out of the family and I told her to show me how serious she was. She helped me man. If she hadn't just ignored me I wouldn't have stayed there. I stayed there cause I knew I needed Vivian in my life.

Pauly: A....are you serious?

Mike: Yeah. I asked her to show me how serious she as...

Pauly: Why didn't she tell me?

Vinny: Maybe because you started yelling at her the second you walked into the house that night.

Pauly: She told you?

Vinny: Paul she's my sister she tells me everything. She tells me shit before her actual brothers. When we stop next I have something to show you. IT's important.

Pauly nodded. The group stopped at their first scheduled stop. Pauly watched Vivian walk into the gas station before a phone was shoved into his face. He looked down at the video holding the phone as he leaned on the car filling the tank.

***Video *obviously being filmed discreetly* ***

Vivian's face was hidden in her older brother's shoulder. She was sobbing into his shoulder as she leaned against him.

Vinny: Viv it's okay. Everything is going to be okay.

Vivian: No....I.....I did this to myself. *gets up running to her room*

Damien: I haven't seen her like this. She never gets this way over a guy. This is bad.

Vinny: I know man. It's bad. She didn't even get like this with me.

Damien: She hasn't even gotten blacked out drunk, so that tells me she was really into Pauly.......

Pauly finished filling the car and gave Vinny his phone back. He walked into the store and looked around. He saw Vivian grabbing some drinks. He walked over to Vivian and gently pushed the door shut.

Pauly: We need to talk.

Vivian: I have nothing to say to you, and you clearly have nothing to say to me.

Pauly: What's that supposed to mean? 

Vivian: Think about what you've done these past few months. I gave you the space I thought you needed but never once did you try calling, not after finding out I left not when you cooled down so go fuck yourself Pauly. 

Vivian shoved past Pauly and made her wat to the counter. She paid for the drinks for the girls and Ronnie before walking to the car.

Pauly sighed and grabbed drinks for him and the guys. Pauly paid for everything then jumped in the car ready for the ride to be over with.


Vivian climbed in the car sitting in the far back of the van her dad let her use. She looked up at the sky from the window as the others got settled in.

Snooki: You okay V?

Vivian: Not really. I'm fighting every urge I have to just run back to him.

Jenni: You can't, he broke your heart and needs to work to get back in.

Vivian: Normally it's not hard to lock people out, but this time....I just can't.

Ronnie: It's cause you actually love him V. Don't worry he'll be crawling on his knees begging for you before the summers over.

Snooki: I bet you'll be expecting like me before the end of the summer!

Vivian laughed softly smiling. 

Vivian: Speaking of the baby meatball how are you guys?

Snooki: Really good! I can't wait for the little one. 

Ronnie: V no jumping topics, we're too used to this game. Now tell us, what are your plans to make him pay.

Vivian: I don't know, I've never really been the type for revenge.

Ronnie: Sam's the queen of it. OW! Babe I'm kidding!

Vivian laughed and looked at her best friend.

Sam: But he's right though. I got some aggressive, non aggressive and passive ways to get him crawling.

Vivian: Passive please, I don't like fighting.

Jenni: Except in the bedroom from the stories you tell!

Vivian laughed and nodded her head blushing a bit.

Deana: So are you horny from all the no sex.

Jenni: D!

Vivian laughed harder falling back in her seat. The group grinned seeing her just laughing again for the first time in months.

Vivian: God I missed you guys!

Sammi: So you want passive ways to get him crawling back?

Vivian: Yes!

Sammi: Wear slightly more skimpy clothes, openly make sure you're tattoos are visible because we all know Pauly loves your tattoos. Show that your VIVID tattoo is still open meaning there's a chance.

Vivian nodded.

Snooki: We'll help you boo!

Vivian: Thanks guys I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get this all started and see where the summer goes.

Jenni: Hey we started our first summer together trying to get you two together it only makes sense that we spend out last summer getting you back together. I have many ideas too you just won't know them.

Vivian groaned but nodded her head as she sighed softly laying back in her seat. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the seat. She fell asleep for the rest of the ride to Jersey.

Jenni grabbed her phone and picked up calling Vinny.

Jenni: Yo Vin, he awake?

Vinny: He's been driving since the wedding his ass is out!

Jenni: Same with Viv, so she defiantly wants him back. We need to do something.

Vinny: I think Pauly needs to work for it, he's the one that fucked up. So her teasing to get him more interested than he is already. She's already got his interest they have to actively be into each other, and this will play out. I doubt they will be more than a week without each other.

Mike: We've said that before and it took them 3 years to get together.

Vivian: *mumbling in her sleep* 5 years.

Jenni: Vivian just mumbled 5 years in her sleep......

Vinny: It wouldn't surprise me. They had their secrets from us like all parents do.

Jenni laughed.

Jenni: Okay we'll see you at the house in a few hours. We love you guys.

Vinny: We love you drive safe call if you need anything.

The blew kisses and hung up.

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