Day with Vivian

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Vivian's been out all day with the family, they have done everything together. She had only 4 more people to hang out with. She sighed softly as she sat in the car with Snooki who was taking her out day drinking. 

Snooki: Today is all about you.

Vivian: I don't like that. Can we just talk, how are you and Jionni.

Snooki: I want to tell you but this is all about you.

Vivian: I won't tell.

Snooki bit her lip hard and then launched into how rocky the waters were with Jionni after Italy. They talked about her relationship the whole time. Even after on the way home. Vivian and Snooki had a good time talking about Snooki's relationship and all that was going on with the couple. 

After she had time with Mike. She was a bit uncomfortable. She didn't show it though.

Vivian: So why do you keep bringing this thing about Snickers up?

Mike: Because I....I just feel the family needs to know. She did it while in a relationship.

Vivian: But you knew she was in a relationship.

Mike: Actually she told me this was while they were on a break. So I was helping Sickers.

Vivian: How?

Mike: Get her mind off the bad.

Vivian: Mike you've been acting super odd are you sure there isn't anything else going on?

Mike: Positive Viv. I would tell you, I promise.

Vivian: Okay Mikey.

Mike: I normally hate that nickname.

Vivian: Sorry.....

Mike: No.....coming from's nice. Like it's a safe name meaning we're good.

Vivian: So I'll call you Mikey form now on.

Mike: Sounds good Viv. 

Vivian smiled at him.

[Vivian: I know there's something else. I can see it in his eyes. Something is telling me though that I'm going to have to do something very life changing to help fix it.]

[Mike: It's nice being on good terms with Viv again, now if only I can stay there.....because one more fuck up......]

After their little friend date it was Vinny and Vivian. They stayed home while the family went out. They laid together in the hammock and just looked up at the clouds.

Vinny: Remember when we would cloud gaze as kids?

Vivian: Yeah, I remember all the shapes we came up with.

Vinny: I miss those simpler times.

Vivian: So do I. Hey Vin?

Vinny: Yeah?

Vivian: You know it's okay to leave right?

Vinny: What do you mean?

Vivian: Don't play dumb. I know you want to go home. I know you don't want to be here when you're not yourself. I know you Vin. You're like my other half. If you sneeze I know. You're like my twin. So tell me....why are you here?

Vinny: For you and Pauly.....I knew I would ruin your summer if I wasn't here.

Vivian: That's a total lie! We want you to feel better, if being here doesn't make you feel good then we don't want you here, as mean as that sounds. 

Vinny: I don't know. It would be too much of a hastle to get back home.

Vivian: No it wouldn't Vin. I promise, no one is going to be mad. No one's going to hate you. We are a family and we just want you to be safe and happy. If that means being off the show then do it.

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