Reunion Part 1

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Vivian had her two year old twins resting on either of her hips as her six year old Rosaline and four year old Sofia. She bounced the twins kissing both girls heads as they babbled looking around their Nonna's house.

Vivian: Thank's again Donna for watching the girls while we go.

Donna: No problem sweetheart. You and Pauly go have lots of fun, with how hard the two of you work to make sure these kids are happy and loved you deserve it.

Pauly: Okay Ma I got the girls things all set up and made sure they have all their favorite stuffed animals. Remember they can video chat us. Okay girls mommy and daddy have to get going hugs and kisses!

The twins squealed leaning towards Pauly who took them then dropped to his knees hugging the two girls that hugged his legs.

Vivian: Oh don't mind me I'm only the one that carried you all for nine months...

Donna rubbed her back kissing Vivian's temple in a motherly way.

Donna: Just wait until you get you mommy's boy sweetie. You'll know 10 times that love.

Vivian: I hope so. We really want to have another but we don't want the kids to be overwhelmed.

Donna: With the way you two love these kids it won't be a problem.

Vivian grinned and snapped a picture of Pauly and the girls. 

Pauly: Okay you girls go give you mommy some love!

The girls ran over and Pauly brought the twins. Vivian kissed all their heads and gave them each a tight hug.

Vivian: Be good for grandma. Mommy and Daddy will be back before you know it my sweet angels, and we'll be back with lots of presents. So be good!

Pauly: Everytime your bad nonna will tell us and we'll make sure to give the gift to your cousins. So what are you girls going to do?

Rosie&Sofia: Be good!

Pauly: That's my girls. Okay Vivi we really gotta go though babe. We gotta get to Miami. 

Pauly walked over wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her gently making their girls squeal and run away screaming ew. Vivian laughed into the kiss before pulling away. She walked with him to the car as the girls stood outside waving. Vivian curled into her seat and looked over at Pauly.

Vivian: So....Miami baby?

Pauly: For the next several months it's no long DTL GTL!

Vivian: Diapers Teeth Laundry is not that bad with our little ones.

Pauly: Because they take after you beautiful.

Vivian: Why are you kissing up?

Pauly: Because I get you all to myself for a few months and I'm going to take full advantage of it. Don't get me wrong I love family snuggles but you and me snuggles are just a bit more fun.

Vivian laughed as they went down the road. She opened the window as they sped down the road towards Miami where they would be meeting the rest of the group.

Pauly: So should we pull a prank for our first night? 

Vivian: What do you have in mind sexy?

Pauly: You remember that like $3,000 charge a few months ago that I told you not to worry about?

Vivian: Yes......

Pauly: We're going to pick it up.....

Vivian: Pauly.......

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