The Gig

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Vivian woke cuddled under Pauly's arm. She looked at the time and saw it was 9 in the morning. She smiled and turned to her husband. She smiled seeing him asleep with his eyes moving lazily under his lids. She kissed his chin then his lips softly. Pauly didn't move. She kept kissing him then peppered kisses down his neck. She bit his lip lovingly and saw the smirk rise on his face. She giggled and kept peppering kisses around his face avoiding his lips. He finally had enough and pinned her down crashing their lips together.

Pauly: You're such a tease babe.

Vivian: Only for you.

Pauly smirked and kissed her neck. He pulled the blankets over them letting his hands wander her body. She bit her lip trying to keep quiet letting out quiet grunts as he made it nearly impossible to be so quiet. 

Vinny: Will you two fucking stop! She's already pregnant you can't add more babies by screwing her more.

Vivian was about to retort but moaned out instead. Pauly smirked and got up walking away. Vivian groaned and threw a pillow at Pauly as he just teased her in the worse way possible.

Pauly: I'm making breakfast babe, be ready in a few.

Vivian: Why?

Pauly: Because I said! SNICKERS YOU GOT WORK!

Vivian groaned and sat up in bed. She walked downstairs and heard the phone. She picked up the phone and listened.

"Hello?" She asked sitting on the bean bag.

"Hi. I'm looking for Pauly D." I man spoke.

"He's busy at the moment. I'm his wife can I possibly help?" She asked leaning into the seat.

"Yes, I was just wondering if he would want to DJ at Aztec tonight. Our DJ canceled last minute. We're willing to pay double the rate if he can give us an answer in the next hour." He spoke.

"Let me check his schedule really quick." Vivian scrolled through the calendar on her phone.

"Okay we don't have anything too important. We were having a family hang out..." Vivian frowned.

"Bring them. First 3 drinks on us tonight." He offered.

"Okay, sounds good. Pauly will DJ tonight." Vivian smiled a bit.

"Do you happen to know anyone that will MC?" The man asked with a sigh.

"Oh his rates includes his own personal MC." Vivian waved him off.

[Pauly: I have the best girl in the world!]

The man sighed in relief, "Thank you! If you can send me the information so we can post it around that will be amazing!"

Vivian: Yeah, I'll get it to you in about an hour. Thanks for your time, we'll see you tonight.

Vivian hung up and walked into the kitchen. As she did Pauly picked her up making her squeal and giggle.

Pauly: You are the best wife in the world! 

Pauly grinned and sat her on the counter kissing her long and hard.

Vivian: I have to send that information so I'm going out, I'll see you in a bit. 

Vivian kissed him and walked out to the library so she could send the information.

Pauly made breakfast for the family and then sat down with some coffee and with the family.

Vinny: Where's Viv?

 Vinny asked as he looked around for the woman.

Pauly: She's off sending out some information. She got me and her a gig tonight.

 Pauly grinned at the group.

Vinny: That's awesome where at?

Pauly: Aztec. We're going to hang out there instead of here is that okay?

Mike: Perfectly fine.

Vivian walked in the door a little later and walked over hugging Pauly from behind as he sat in the chair. Pauly put his hands on her arm bending his neck and kissing her arm gently. He turned in his seat pulling her up into his lap.

[Vivian: I got a little surprise for Pauly tonight. *winks*]

Pauly: How did everything go babe?

Vivian: It went well. They got everything, they are excited said if we do well they will book us again.

Snooki: You two will kill it. They'll be booking your babies!

Vivian laughed and laid her head on Pauly's shoulder as she sighed softly.

Pauly: Hey family business, that's always fun.

Vivian: DelVeccio DJ corp.

Pauly: Thinking big baby.

Vivian laughed and laid into his chest.

Vinny: The cutest couple in the fucking world!

Vivian: You know it boo.

[Pauly: I can't wait for this gig. With Viv by my side nothing can ruin tonight!]

Vivian laid her head against Pauly's shoulder.

Vinny: So what are we doing until tonight?

Vivian: We can go to the board walk.

Snooki: Can we just hang around and sit together?

Vivian smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

Ronnie: Let's just have a relaxing day.

Vivian: Sounds good we can hang on the top deck and have some fun.

Pauly: That sounds amazing.

Vivian giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned into his chest as sh snuggled into his chest.

After everyone finished their food they headed up to their rooms. Vivian smiled softly at the family as they all headed to the top deck and sat together. Vivian sat in Pauly's lap as the family sat together talking and being the family they were.

Snooki: Oh my god!

Jenni: What?

Snooki: Something moved.

Vivian: Probably the baby. That is so weird but it's really cool, from what I've been told.

Snooki: It does feel kinda cool, but also weird.

Vivian: It happens. You'll get used to it.

Pauly: How do you know so much babe?

Vivian: I've helped a few of my brothers' wives through it on several occasions.

The family all took turns feeling Snooki's belly as the baby kept moving around happily.

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