Day 2

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Lydia, I need your help. Enlist the aid of whoever will listen: the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf, the college, anyone. I've been wrongfully arrested in Markarth. The Silver-Bloods control this city through manipulative terror tactics, and I'm not sure they'll let me live long down here. I had to do a lot just to get some paper, a quill, and some ink smuggled into this place.

First, the facts:

- Madanach (Forsworn king) is being held in Cidhna mine/prison

- Thonar controls him (or at least used to) and uses him to issue commands to the Forsworn to do all sorts of nefarious tasks that benefit the Silver-Bloods. (Likely uses them to create a constant threat of terror, so that the Silver-Bloods can retain control of Markarth)

- Nepos ("The Nose") was the one issuing the commands from Madanach to the Forsworn. He had no idea he was another pawn for the Silver-Bloods. He and all his associates tried to kill Brelyna and me, but we killed them in self-defence.

- An innocent man named Eltrys was murdered by guards (on orders from Thonar, no doubt), and they framed it on the two of us.

They've taken Brelyna to the female prison, but I haven't had a chance to see or speak with her since they split us up. They won't tell me if she's okay. They won't tell me anything at all! I'm sorry to put all this onto you. Please tell Lucia that I'm okay, that everything will be all right.

Thank you.

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