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When it was time for Vivian to head to work she heads over and pulls on her shirt over her shirt from last night. She has tired bags under her eyes as she silently starts to put things together for the day. A good 20 minutes later a tired Pauly walks in. Vivian ignores him and continues to work on what she was. She saw they had about 30 minutes before opening and they had everything already set up. Vivian took a seat in the chair waiting for the time to open. Pauly moved next to Vivian and wrapped his arm around her shoulders hugging his into his body.

Pauly: I want you to know I had nothing to do with what they had going on. If I had known what Angelina had done you know I would have gone after Elliot for you. And they didn't find out until last night.

Vivian: Thanks Pauly. I really appreciate you guys giving me my time last night.

Pauly: No problem but you HAVE to come home and take a nap with me.

Vivian: I can agree to that.

Vivian nuzzled her face into Pauly's neck before their boss came out and told them to get ready. Vivian got up to the counter and started working with him. They worked an 8 hour shift before heading home in the SUV that Pauly took. Vivian climbed in the passenger seat and leaned her seat back. Pauly had his hand on her thigh the whole time almost like she's going to run away.

Vivian: I'm not going anywhere Pauly. I promise.

Pauly: Good can't have you disappearing on me. We need the mama bear around.

Vivian: *giggling* Mama bear?

Pauly: Yeah you call us family, and you protect us, so you're mama bear.

Vivian laughed and nodded putting her hand on top of his. She sighed and leaned into her seat wrapping her hand around his. Pauly pulled up to see the other SUV gone. Vivian walked in and found Sam with the boys. She waved to them and gave them all hugs.

Vivian: I'm sorry for leaving.

Ronnie: *sitting with his arm around her waist as she stands next to him* Hey it's okay. We all know that it's something you needed. All that matters is your safe.

Vinny: Yeah. I can call both our moms now and we can let them know you're safe, but after you go rest you look like hell warmed over.

Vivian: I feel like it.

Mike: Drink lots of water please. We don't need something happening to you.

Vivian: *smiling softly* I will I promise.

Pauly: Come on Vivi let's get you to bed.

Mike: *not missing the chance to joke* She's tired, let the girl sleep before you smush.


Vivian: Watch it Mike I may be tired but I can still kick your ass.

Mike: Bring it.

Vivian walked over and they started throwing slow fake punches at each other pretending that it hurt when they hit one another. Vivian laughed and yawned halfway through. She stretched and walked over to Pauly who lead her up the stairs and into their room. Vivian climbed into bed and sighed softly. She changed into some of Pauly's clothes before climbing into his bed. She buried her face in his chest and sighed softly. She closed her eyes and fell asleep easier than she ever has before. Pauly nuzzled her hair and kissed her head as he took in the scent of her hair. Pauly held her close as they slept spooning in his bed with the blankets on them, his hand resting on her breast.

Vinny and the guys finished their food cleaning their dishes. Vinny headed upstairs to his room to grab a change of shirt cause his got soaked doing dishes. When he walked in he found the couple cuddled up in Pauly's bed. He smirked and pulled out his phone snapping a picture of Vivian and Pauly cuddled together. He sent the picture to his sister telling her to show their mom.

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