The Reunion-Part 1

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It's been several months since the last Jersey Shore season was aired. The crew was brought to a studio and not allowed to see each other until they got onto the stage.

Julissa: Okay, tonight we are reuniting the Shore cast. We're hoping to answer some questions you all had about last season with the new season coming up just around the corner. We're going to start by bringing out one of the fan favorites Snookie!

Snookie: Hi everybody! It's good to be here!

Julissa: Now Jwoww.

Jenni: Hi! SNICKERS!

Julissa: I love that friend ship, next is Ronnie!

Ronnie runs out and picks up the two girls hugging them tightly.

Julissa: Next we have Sammi!

Sam: Hey everybody!

Julissa: Next is Angelina.

Angelia flips off the cameras.

Julissa: Mike the 'Situation'.

Mike jogs out waving at the group before him chuckling giving the groups hugs and kisses.

Julissa: Next we have Vinny!

Vinny: Where's my man at!? 

Julissa: And his man PAULY D!

Pauly runs out tackling Vinny laughing and hugging the rest of the roomies as they all sit down.

Julissa: So we saw that things started out rocky and stayed rocky for a while.

Angelina: I don't know why they hated me so much and ended up liking my fill in, that bitch couldn't even fill in my bra let alone my place in the house. I really hope she doesn't expect to come back next summer.

Mike: This is why we hated you. You would bag on the people we like and bring the most random horrible trashy people home. We had enough trash between you and your clothes living in the fucking house!

Angelian: FUCK YOU MIKE.

Julissa: Okay.....straying from that. Angelina already answered our second question. What do you think about Angelina coming back next Shore?

Pauly: I think as long as she doesn't pull the shit she did this past season we'll be all good!

Angelina: The shit I pulled? You all ganged up on me and fought me!

Jenni: You brought the fight on yourself! You're the one that started ALL THE SHIT!

Snookie: You started everything that was wrong in the house, after you left the fights stopped so why don't you just go!

Audience member: YEAH BRING OUT VIVIAN!

Pauly: Yeah buddy, where's my favorite Guidette from Staten at?

Julissa: She'll be out after this commercial break.


Julissa: Welcome back! We had some heated fights before hand. Now we bring out the glue of the family. VIVIAN!

Vivian: Hey everyone!

Vivian went straight for Angelina who was ready for a fight. She held her hand out for the woman.

Vivian: I hope there isn't any hard feelings. I wasn't intending to take your place on the show, just merely make my own.

[Agelina: God DAMNIT this girl makes it REALLY hard to hate her!]

Angelina: I....I can understand that. *shakes her hand*

Vivian started her rounds hugging her friends tightly as she leaned in and kissed each person's cheek. When she got to Pauly there was an up roar as Pauly kissing her cheek and she sat right next to him pulling her skirt down.

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