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As Vivian and Pauly sat talking Danielle had been watching them and when he started kissing her. Vivian's hands rested on Pauly's shoulders as she leaned into the kiss gripping onto him. Danielle got pissed and walked over. She pulled Vivian's hair getting her off Pauly and when she was she started kissing Pauly.

[Sam: So I'm sitting with Ronnie when he gets up to get us drinks.....I start looking around and see Danielle yank Vivian off Pauly and start kissing him. All that's going through my head is.....oh hell......]

Vivian grabbed the back of Danielle's neck pulling her off and shoving her back.

Vivian: Excuse me what the hell do you think you're doing?

Daniel: Kissing my man, because your whore ass doesn't seem to know he's taken.

Vivian: Cute story now walk away.

Danielle: Bitch he's mine, why don't you go fuck Mike. He's a man whore, you're a whore you're perfect for each other.

Pauly: Danielle back the fuck off!

Danielle: As soon as she leaves you alone and you go home.

Vivian: First off stalker, Mike is my friend, second the only whore I see is the one that yanked me off my fiancé to start kissing him. *ass she's talking reaching her hand behind her slips off one of Pauly's rings and puts it on her ring finger*

Danielle: Fiance? What the hell!?

Vivian: *holding up her hand now* Yes, he proposed to me after our little break, you scared him right back too me.

Pauly: *playing along wraps his arm around Vivian's waist* Now leave us.

[Snookie: Everyone was having fun ragging on then something pulled our attention. We looked over at the new forming couple and find them with Danielle. Pauly's got a protective hold on Viv like she's about to get hurt......and Danielle looks PISSED!]

Vivian: Leave us we were just celebrating about to head back home.

Danielle: Let's take this outside bitch. You clearly don't know any respect.

Vivian: I have enough to know not to step out with trash.

Danielle: You bitch! 

Vivian: Bye. *grabs Pauly's hand*

Danielle spilled her drink all over Vivian. Vivian didn't even gasp she spun around let the drink run down her head.

Danielle: Now you look like the wet dog you are.

Vivian: Hit me. I f***ing dare you. Because I can garuntee you won't be walking out of here.

Danielle took the invitation and swung.

[Vinny: I turn to look at the newly forming couple and......WHAM Danielle's fist connects with Vivian's face... I knew then we had to leave.]

Vinny started getting the roommates and throwing them outside telling them what's going on and told them to stay back. As they stood out there the doors to the club suddenly flew open Vivian dragging Danielle by her hair and Pauly rushing up with a shocked look and three long scratches on his face.

[Pauly: Vivian swung after Danielle punched her and as Danielle fell she reached to try and get Viv but got me.]

Vivian threw Danielle to the ground and stood with her arms crossed.

Vivian: Come at me bitch.

Danielle got up and tried attacking again only to be met with a fist to the face. She had her hands over her face instantly and her nose was crooked and bleeding.

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