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Vivian groaned hearing Pauly chuckle as he held her against his body. She sighed and put her face in her hands shaking her head.

Vivian: Just tell me what I did.

Pauly: *chuckling rubbing her arm* Well.....


Vivian had just finished the last of her vodka bottle that she had been nursing all night. It was currently 3 in the morning Ronnie and Sam had gone upstairs to smush Jenni and Snookie went to bed because of their shift tomorrow. Vivian stood up and walked over to the kitchen grabbing some beers. Vinny sat watching his best friend drink her pain away. He hated seeing her like this but he knew that a once she woke up, everything was going to be okay. He sighed softly and watched her stumble into the room looking at the two on the couch.

[Pauly: Vivian is HAMMERED at this point. She's completely out of it and I can tell she's all loopy. So this is going to be kinda entertaining.]

Pauly: Feeling better boo?

Vivian: Yep.......you know......I should be done with guys.....but I can't.... *slurring and stumbling up to the guys*

Vinny: Sit down then tell us.

Vivian fell onto the two giggling as she nested between the two drinking her drink.

Vivian: I can't because I'm a typical Italian woman!.....I want a big family.....and you can't get that with two vaginas, not cheaply at least.

[Pauly: *shaking his head then looking at the camera* Vivi say what now?]

Vinny: Yeah, you tell me this a lot Viv. *chuckles patting her arm*

Vivian: I know....I just......why can't guys be more like you two? You're both sweet caring guys who look out for a helpless girl who can't seem to notice the obvious shit!

Pauly: Don't say that, you are more than that. You had the balls to tell that guy to fuck off right then and their.

Vivian: That's only cause I knew you guys would protect me. If it was just me I would have ran into a room and prayed he left.

Vinny: Viv, you're okay. We won't ever let anything happen to you.

Vivian put her beer on the ground and laid her head on Pauly's shoulder. She sighed softly and moved so her body was facing his and her legs were laid across Vinny's lap.

[Vivian: Pauly is so comfy! He's just so cuddly and warm...........I like getting to cuddle him, he's my cuddle buddy officially!]

Vivian: I feel safe with you Pauly. You're like a giant.....uh......werebear! You know those things that are man and then turn into bears?....*Pauly raises a brow then nods his head*.....Well you remind me of them because you're a sweet normal guy that everyone likes and then when one of us is in trouble, wham bam jam! You're a beast! It's amazing! You are the superhero.....OOOOO......you're Batman cause you save everyone's asses!

Vinny: And there is the inner nerd meaning she will be out like a light in about an hour.

[Vivian: *pouting* I'm not a nerd...... Vinny: Yes you are......do I need to show everyone your collection? Vivian: *pouting more* No........]

Vivian: Psh.....I could go all night! I mean remembered when....

Vinny: *covers her mouth*

[Vivian: Vinny and I, before we broke up used to go round after round everywhere we went!]

Vinny: I'm going to stop you right there before you embarrass yourself and me on national television.

Pauly: *chuckles and rubs Vivian's back* Let's get you to bed.

Vivian: Pauly.....I've told you before.....I need a commitment before we smush!..........Eh......what the hell *leans in to kiss him*

[Pauly: *flipping off the camera* Why? Why do I have to be a good guy! The HOTTEST girl in the house is hitting on me willing to jump in my bed and I do.....this!]

Pauly: *puts a finger to his lips* As sweet as that is and as much as I would love to I'm going to have to pass because you are drunk and are running on primal instinct come on up to bed.

Vivian: Will one of you cuddle me?

Vinny: I have to work otherwise I would.

Pauly: I'll cuddle with you but we have to go to bed right now.

Vivian: Okay.

Vivian stumbled up and stood wobbly. Pauly stood and picked her up walking her up the stairs in his arms. He helped her get changed holding in all his will power not to jump her. He then changed and climbed in bed next to the girl.

Vivian laid down and laid her head back as she laid her head on the pillow. She nuzzled up to Pauly when he climbed into bed and she sighed laying her arm over his chest.

Vivian: Pauly?

Pauly: Yes Vivi?

Vivian: I love when you call me Vivi. But....I just want to say thank you. You've been such a great guy....you could have easily just gone after me like other creeps but you're being such a good guy. I know you don't like relationships.....but I'm just going to say it.....you are like my ideal boyfriend. You're down for anything, incredibly sweet, protective, a guido, a total sweetheart......protective....loveable......sweet.......wait did I mention guido?

Pauly: Yes you did Vivi. Get some sleep boo, you're going to be feeling that alcohol in the morning.

Vivian nodded and cuddled close into him laying her head in his neck snuggling against him sleeping. Pauly kissed her forehead holding her as he waited to hear the heavy snores of her in deep sleep. He rubbed her back and made sure she had room to breath. When she was asleep he laid closer to her holding her.

[Pauly: *shaking his head* I hope I ended up making the right choice. I mean what if this was the only chance I get with this girl? *covers his face leaning over*

*End Flash Back*

Vivian blushed and hid her face in her hands.

Vivian: Oh god, please tell me it isn't so!

Vinny: Very so. You were just jabbering away about how amazing and wonderful Pauly was and how much he was your perfect man.

Vivian: Oh god, I'm surprised you still helped me out the next day.

Pauly: I knew you were just drunk. Drunk or not that was adorable and some of the nicest things I have heard from a girl.

[Pauly: So that night Vinny and I also made a bet that what Vivi said wasn't true. So we're about to see who gets $100.

Vivian: Well even though I was drunk, it was all very true Pauly.

[Vivian: Pauly is a great guy, so it doesn't surprise me that I said that. I normally speak the truth when I'm black out drunk. I'm just glad no one asked if I had a kind of relationship going or else the whole Mike thing would come out and I'd never hear the end of it from the girls......]

Vivian leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his temple.

Vivian: Do with that shirt as you guys please. I'll see you down there. *walks out of the room*

Pauly chuckled and shook his head at the girl that just left. Vinny smirked at his friend holding out his hand to him.

Vinny: Pay up, I told you that she meant every single word that was said that night!

Pauly chuckled and shook his head holding out his hand with $100 in it and put it in Vinny's hand as he sighed softly.

[Vinny: *flopping the money in front of the camera* Pauly, let's make another bet! I bet you that by the end of this summer you and Vivian will be in some sort of exclusive relationship!]

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