Chapter 12- At hospital again

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We all went to the hospital because my orphanage whip injuries were really hurting so Zak is making me get checked.

We get to the reception desk.

"Hi my name is Zak Bagans I've brought my daughter because I rescued her from an orphanage, it's a long story but she was whipped and has lots of cuts on her from it and she is in pain, I just wanted to get her checked out please?" Zak said to the receptionist.

"Ok, I'll put her on the system, what is her name?" She asked.

"It's Charlie Goodwin-Bagans, used to be Drake, that's a story too" Zak said.

"Ok, if you guys want to sit down and someone will see you shortly" She said

"Ok thanks" Zak replied. We all sat down.

10 minutes later

I started feeling odd, not myself, sicky feeling.

"Dad, I don't feel so well, I'm going to the toilet" I said walking into the toilet.

Zak's POV

Few minutes later

"I'm gonna go check on her, she's been a while" I said concerned. I went into the ladies room. "I need help!" I shouted.

Two doctors came running in. "Put her on her side and tilt her head back" He ordered, I did it, the other doctor went to find a trolley.

"What's wrong with her? Why is she shaking? Is she having and epileptic fit?" I asked panicing.

"Does she have a history of seizures?" The doctor asked.

"I dunno, I have only known her a couple weeks and adopted her yesterday, she didn't say" I said. I was scared.

4 hours later

Charlie's POV

I woke up and I was confused 'What happened?" I asked myself. Zak was asleep next to my bed and Nick, Aaron and my brothers were quietly playing a board game. I woke Zak up.

"Dad! Dad wake up" I said and his eyes shot open.

"Hey princess, how you doing?" He asked

"I feel fine, and confused, what happened?" I asked back.

"Charlie, why didn't you tell me you have epilepsy?" He asked confused and concerned.

"I have what? Epilepsy? Since when?" I said starting to cry.

"I don't know, you went to the ladies room, a few minutes later I went in and found you having a seizure" He said worried.

"I swear, I didn't know I had epilepsy, I've never had a seizure before, ask my brothers if you don't believe me" I said crying.

"Ok, shh, it's ok, I believe you sweetie" He said hugging me. The doctor walked in.

"Ahh, Miss. Bagans, you are awake" The doctor said.

"I am, my dad says I have epilepsy?" I said confused. "I've never had a seizure"

"That's because you haven't had it very long, only about a week or so I'd say" The doctor said.

"What triggered the seizure doc?" Nick asked. Aaron was keeping the boys occupied in the waiting room.

"Well Miss. Bagans, when did you last have something to eat?" The doctor asked.

"Well, probably last night, I've only just got here today, me and my brothers were at an orphanage and only allowed two meals a day. Wait, I didn't eat this morning, it's been like 14 hours since I ate, is that what it was?" I asked.

"Wait, are you saying I've been neglecting my daughter?" Zak asked getting annoyed.

"It's ok dad, it's not your fault" I assured him.

"No I'm not Mr. Bagans, but now you must make sure she eats at least two meals a day even if she's ill, and keep her hydrated" The doctor replied.

"Ok, and what about my whipping injuries?" I asked.

"They're ok, should heal in a month or so, I'll prescribe some painkillers to ease off the pain. You must take two tablets twice a day for two weeks" The doctor answered.

"Thank you doctor, I'll go and get the medicine when we leave" Zak assured him.

"Good and now that you are looking much better and we have spoken, you may go when you're ready, but don't take too long, we may need the bed" The doctor said after giving Zak my prescription.

'I'm not into medicine, especially tablets, never really had medicine before, crap' I thought to myself.

"One more thing doctor, will me having epilepsy stop me driving in the future?" I asked. One of my dreams is to be able to drive.

"Err, no, you can still drive, as long as you eat before you do ever get behind a wheel" He replied.

"Cool, thanks" I said happily.

We all left the hospital, got my stupid medicine, I think I have an idea for that and we headed home.

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