Chapter 63- Lockdown time

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It's finally time, Billy arrived a couple hours ago to help with the lockdown, me, Rhydian and Tommy are at base and in charge of watching the monitors. Zak, Nick, Aaron, Billy and Joe are gonna take it in turns to investigate, Billy doesn't know anything about the place yet, Zak wants to see if Billy can communicate with anyone and find out who they are himself by using the spirit box and EVP recorder.

"Ok guys, it's 6:45pm, the night has come, Billy I want you to go to the isolation cell until I tell you to come back" Zak says to Billy, Nick gives Billy a camera and spirit box and Billy goes off. "Now it's easier to talk without telling him anything, so when I tell Billy to come back I'm gonna send you two, Aaron and Nick up there to investigate Mick and Albert, later on me and Joe will go to the cell that Claire stayed in, you kids will stay here at all times watching the monitors and letting us know if you see anything, but for now, let's watch Billy" Zak says to us and the camera. I have a feeling we're gonna be in for one hell of a night. Me, Rhydian and Tommy sit at the monitors while Zak, Nick and Aaron sit behind us and we closely watch Billy in the isolation cell.

"Ok, so they've sent me here, to talk to you spirits, I don't know if anyone is here or who is here, I've gotta find that out myself" Billy says.

"Man, he looks terrified" Nick points out.

"Well, it's been a while since he investigated with us" Zak also points out.

"It's been a while since he investigated? Mate it's my first time, I'm bricking it" Joe says with a laugh.

"I'm just gonna turn on this spirit box so that you can use my energy to talk to me, tell me anything, who you are, why you were here as a prisoner, anything" Billy says while switching on the spirit box.

"He's doing well" Rhydian says.

"Ok, I'm not sure if I'm seeing things, but I swear to god, I saw something at the back of the room, shifting or something" Billy says.

"Have we got a camera facing the back of the room Aaron?" Zak asks. Well cause obviously Aaron's the tech guy, he sets up most of the cameras.

"Yeah, there should be, unless it's been moved, hold on let me adjust it" Aaron says. He leans over us to the controls. "It should be camera 5" He says as he starts moving the camera, he moves it so that it faces the back of the room.

"That wasn't facing the back of the room" Nick points out.

"I know, I'm certain that I left it facing there though, I'm sure of it" Aaron says.

"Maybe a spirit or something moved it, we'll have to check it out when we review the footage" Rhydian says.

"You guys don't review the footage, we do, while you're at school" Nick says.

"Woah woah guys, be quiet, Billy getting something" I say.

"I feel really uneasy, like I'm not alone, I feel like there's someone in the room with me, watching me, but looking through this camera lens, I'm on my own in here, but it definitely doesn't feel like I am" Billy says nervously.

"Billy, ask a question" Zak tells him through the walkie.

"Ok, who is here with me in this room? Why are you here? Were you a prisoner?" Billy asks.

"....Trapped...." The spirit box says.

"Woah, dude, it just said trapped, I heard trapped" Billy says.

"....Want out of here...." The spirit box says.

"Why? Why do you want out of here?" Billy asks.

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