Chapter 80 - Welcome Back

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Charlie's POV

I feel my hand squeezing something or someone as I slowly open my eyes allowing myself to adjust to the light, as my eyes adjust to the light I start looking around the room, I realise I'm laid down, looking at mainly the ceiling, I look at what my hand was squeezing and see it's another hand, I look up and see Zak looking at me, he starts to smile.

"Dad?" I ask. He stands up and plants a kiss on my forehead and looks at me again with the biggest smile I think possible.

"I'm here sweetie, dad's here, you're ok" He says as he kisses my cheek.

"I'm ok dad" I say quietly.

"Thank god, we missed you so much Charlie" He says as he hugs me the best he can.

"Err, dad, can I get some water please?" I ask still sounding quiet.

"Sure sweetie, whatever you need" He says as he stops, he grabs a bottle of water from my table. "Here have some of my water" He says as he helps me drink it. Once I've had enough he puts it down.

"How long has it been?" I ask.

"It's been 2 months sweetie, it hasn't been easy, we've all been terrified for you, more so than when we've had a lockdown" He says as he sits beside me.

"I'm sorry for scaring you all" I say.

"It wasn't your fault at all Charlie, it was Devon's fault for kidnapping you" He says.

"What's happened with Devon?" I ask. Do I really wanna know?

"To be honest with you, I don't know, he got arrested when we found you, he had me and Joe at gun point as well, I haven't heard anything since that day" He says.

"What do you think will happen to him?" I ask.

"I hope he gets sent down for a very long time for what happened" He says.

"So what's happened while I've been in this coma?" I ask.

"At first your brothers were failing at school because of the situation with you, but they're ok now, Joe has been off since we found you, he and Caleb have been here most days with me and you-" I interrupt him.

"Caleb? Why is he here in Vegas, doesn't he live in New York?" I ask confused.

"He and his sister transferred to here, his sister wanted to be near Aaron due to the relationship, plus her daughter's father lives just out of town anyway, he moved here too as there's nothing for him in New York so he's stayed near his sister" Zak explains.

"Oh right, that's cool, so anything else happen?" I ask.

"Your friends Ashlee and Mark I think, came and visited, the next day I got a hair cut as I was living in my hat, when I got back, Caleb popped in and your heart stopped beating" He says.

"I died?" I ask.

"Technically yeah, Caleb was doing CPR on you, he wasn't giving up easily, but then there was nothing he could do for you and they went to call your time of death and got a pulse from you, even they said someone up there must love you" He says with a chuckle. Someone up there must love me? Mum! I dreamt of seeing her!

"Dad, my mum loves me, she's up there" I point out.

"Your mom of course, it was her, I know it was" He says as he realises.

"I saw her, she was so happy, she told me she's watching over us all" I say.

"We know she is sweetie" He says.

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