Chapter 45- Secrets will get out

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I walk into Maths and sit down near the back of the room, everyone else sits down while I get my stuff ready, at least we're likely to be doing fractions again and Mr Davies can help me if I get stuck seeing as we don't have a helper in this lesson. I feel like I can't concentrate, I'm leaving to go back to England tonight, I'm so worried about what will happen during lockdown.

"Ok guys and girls, are we ready to start?" Mr Davies asks as he walks in.

"What are we doing today, I mean Mrs Evans isn't in and you're a sports teacher" A lad asks.

"Well, thanks, we are actually doing fractions and percentages which is what I've been told you lot are working on, and it seems like today is your lucky day as I am very good at this topic" Mr Davies says as he gives us a work sheet. "You have until the end of this lesson to complete this worksheet and if you get stuck just raise your hand" He says. I look at the sheet and start working on it but before long, I get stuck.

"What are these A-level exam questions? I don't get any of this" I say louder than I thought.

"What are you stuck on Charlie?" Mr Davies asks as he sits next to me.

"Question 3, it's all in a different language to me" I say, he explains to me how to answer it using a method and I eventually work it out.

"Get it now?" He asks as we look at each other, I look back at my work.

"Yeah sir, for now" I say as I read the next question. England. Lockdown. England. Lockdown. Jeez stop thinking about England for 5 minutes, you have work to get on with, concentrate. I wipe my eyes and sigh.

"You ok?" He asks. I don't know, I'm leaving to go back to England tonight, to the one place I thought I'd never have to see again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired" I lie. He stares at me, studying my facial expression and then goes off to help someone else. Soon the lesson is over, I managed to complete the worksheet, I probably answered the questions wrong but never mind, I'll get it someday. I pack up my stuff and go to leave.

"Charlie, a word please?" Mr Davies asks.

"Sir, I've got another class" I say, I'm not trying to get out of talking to him, I just don't wanna be late to my lesson.

"Say you were desperate for the toilet, please?" He asks, I go and lean on a table.

"Is this about the Maths work?" I ask wondering what he wants to talk to me about.

"No, actually it's not, it's about why you seem distracted, and what was up in the other class with you and Rhydian?" He asks.

"I don't know what's up with him today, I guess it's just about the other day when you told me that we are related, it's really got to him, and Zak, they're all reminding me to stay away from you" I tell him. He looks at the floor and nods in understanding and then looks at me again.

"Fair enough, and what about you? Why do you seem distracted today?" He asks. Do I tell him? I don't wanna worry him, he used to live there too, and he knows exactly what dad was like.

"I didn't think I was distracted, like I said, I'm tired, maybe an early night will help" I say and pick my bag up to leave.

"Cool, now how about you tell me the truth" He says which stops me from walking, I turn around and lean against the table again, I look at him and sigh.

"I'm err, not going to be here for a few days" I tell him.

"What here as in school or-" I interrupt him.

"Not gonna be here as in not gonna be in Vegas" I tell him and he looks at me confused.

"I didn't know you were going on holiday, where to?" He asks curiously.

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