Chapter 38- The weekend

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Charlies POV

So Zaks friend that is a girl is coming over today and I just found out she's staying over night, I can't say I'm happy about it, but I don't want to be selfish so I'm going along with it, it's only for one night anyway, how bad can it be?

"Charlie, are you up and ready?" I hear Zak call up, I'm guessing he's making breakfast.

"Yeah I'm coming down" I say and make my way down. I find him in the kitchen and sit at the table.

"You need to have your tablets" Zak says filling up a glass with water from the fridge.

"Ugh, can't I have them after breakfast?" I say practically begging. "I hate taking tablets".

"Tough, I don't want you having another seizure on me if we can help it, plus I read the leaflet thing and it says to take before eating, so here you go" He says handing me the water and two tablets.

"Fine, but I am capable of getting it myself" I say and take them.

"I know but I'd rather give them to you, for one, so I know how many you've had and not tried to kill yourself" He says giving me a slight glare. "And two, so I know you've actually taken them, after last time when you tried to fool me, I'm not taking that chance again, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, and I'm not being shamed, I'm too famous for that" He finishes.

"You're not that famous, well, you are for people who know the show and your books and Necrofusion, but you're only a celebrity, who adopted a little shit" I say, I sounded pretty harsh, but I am annoyed at him.

"Hey, watch your language missy!" He says.

"Sorry, anyway what's your girlfriends name?" I ask changing the subject.

"Rachel, and she's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend" He says.

"For now" I mumble quietly.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Ok then" I lie to him. "When will she be here?" I ask just as the doorbell rings.

"I think that's her" He says as he goes to answer the door. He comes back to the kitchen with a lady following him, blonde long hair with brown streaks, a clip in her hair, loads of make-up on which I'm not surprised about, and she's wearing a black dress. Eww!!

"Rachel, I want you to meet my daughter, Charlie, Charlie this is Rachel" Zak says.

"Hi" She says smiling with her very white teeth, she's got money then.

"Hi Rachel" I say back. She quickly goes on her phone a types away, she looks up and sees we're looking at her.

"Oh, sorry, my parents wanted me to let them know when I got here, I'm their only daughter so they worry easily" She says.

"Ok" Zak says clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "Who wants to hang at the mall for a bit?" He asks.

"Ooh, me, I love malls" Rachel says. Of course she does, she obviously loves clothes shopping and spending LOADS. I nod yes and we go off, I don't want to speak in case I say something bad and get in trouble, but it's hard to be nice to the beauty queen.

We spend a few hours at the town of Vegas and Rachel must have spent nearly $1000 on clothes and make-up and crap. And she even had the guts to ask Zak if she could 'borrow' $600 and he gave it to her, I guess he didn't want to be rude, or he really likes her, I didn't get anything, well, I got an ice-cream but with my money, Zak wanted to pay for it or buy me something but I wouldn't let him. We go back home.

"Zak babe, does this look nice on me?" Rachel asks flashing her new red dress that sparkled in different places on it.

"Yeah, it's, it looks great on you Rach" Zak says looking up from the sofa. "What do you think sweetie?" He asks me.

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