Chapter 86- Stern words and a court case dilemma

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"We're back" Caleb says assisting me in.

"What happened outside?" Zak asks, he seems a little annoyed or something, he was fine before.

"Nothing really, me and Caleb just talked, that's all" I say looking at Caleb as he looks at me.

"What's up?" Caleb asks as we both look at Zak confused.

"You know she's 15 right?" Zak asks Caleb. Where is he going with this?

"Yeah, course, why?" Caleb asks.

"The last relationship she had, put her in a coma, you looked cosy out there with your arm around her shoulders" Zak says. Oh god!

"Dad, no, you've got it all wrong" I say trying to defend Caleb.

"Zak, nothing happened, I told her something personal about my childhood and she got emotional, so I comforted her, that's all" Caleb says.

"That's all" Zak says.

"Yeah, dad, like you said, I'm 15, he's 23, plus after what happened with Devon, I think I'm gonna leave relationships for a bit" I say.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry, both of you, I guess I've just got a little more protective since the hospital, I just don't want you to get hurt" Zak says.

"It's ok Zak, I get it, I'm not a bad guy, I would never hurt her, or anyone, unless I had a reason to, but I could never have a reason to hurt your family, and like Charlie said, she's 15, a minor, I'm 23, an adult, we were just talking like friends do" Caleb says.

"Ok, let's just leave it at that" Zak says and puts his hand out, Caleb shakes hands with him. Zak goes back to what he was doing, me and Caleb glance at each other. I guess Zak has got protective, but I'm staying away from relationships for a bit, Caleb is a nice guy, he cares, and he's a friend.

"I'm going back to the living room now" I say as I slowly get myself there, I hold onto things to help me with my balance, but I'm pretty much walking as I used to now. Soon everyone is in the living room having a laugh, me and Caleb glancing at each other every now and then, what he told me about his childhood, it must have been hard for him, but he's ok now, he has Jess, and our family, even if he doesn't have anything to do with his parents now, as long as Jess is Aarons girlfriend, they'll be family, and they seem pretty into each other, which is great.

Food arrives after about 25 minutes and we all tuck into it, after we finish eating I take my plate to the kitchen, I hear someone follow behind me, Zak? I turn around and to my surprise it is actually Caleb.

"I needed a drink, Zak said you'd help me out seeing as I don't know where anything is" He says.

"It depends on what you want, we've got some beers although they're non-alcoholic, nobody drinks alcohol, water, coke or juice" I say.

"Can I have a non-alcoholic beer please?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and go find one out of the fridge, I give it to him.

"Why doesn't anyone drink alcohol?" He asks as he opens it.

"My dad was a drunk, abused us and our mum, one time Zak and Aaron went out with some friends, came back and I could tell they had been drinking, although they weren't drunk, but I scared me, seeing as my dead father was a violent alcoholic, I just thought they would turn violent, I got Tommy and Rhydian and ran away, we only hid at Nick's place, in his shed, he didn't know, but they did find us here, I told them about our dad and they said they wouldn't drink again if it made us feel safer, they haven't touched a drop since, although now I know they wouldn't hurt us, so if they want to, they can, but they don't" I explain.

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