Chapter 26- Zak's first night out since I came

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We've just got back home from LA and been home for a night, we're all quite tired, but apparently Zak isn't. It is Friday morning 11am and me and Zak are having breakfast, he made pancakes.

"Charlie, I'm going out tonight with Aaron, not all night, just until about midnight, Aaron is bringing the boys over so you have company, Nick has Annabelle as off tonight but he's happy to bring her over if you want" Zak said.

"Ok, tell Nick that me and the boys will be okay for a few hours but I'll call him if we need him, how come you're going out with Aaron?" I asked.

"We're just gonna meet some old friends and hang out for a bit" Zak said. I was starting to get scared. "Are you ok? You seem distracted" He asked.

"I'm fine" I said fake smiling, I couldn't tell him about dad, not now.

"Good, now what do you wanna do today? Movie marathon or play in the pool, father and daughter day" Zak asked.

"Hmm, can we do both?" I asked trying to take my mind off tonight.

"Yeah, I know, pool first then movies?" Zak asked I nodded yes. We waited for our food to settle and changed for the pool. I ran past Zak and jumped into the pool, Zak jumped in and landed on top of me causing me to go under water, I struggled as I hadn't held my breath.

Zak pulled me above the water and I coughed a little.

"You ok Charlie? Sorry I didn't mean to land on top of you" Zak said patting my back. I finished coughing.

"I'm fine dad, don't worry" I said and splashed him. We messed around till we got bored, we dived, played ball games, jumped in together, you name it, I think we did it. We then watched a few movies and I fell asleep with my feet on Zak's lap. He accidentally woke me up while getting ready to go out with Aaron.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up on the sofa.

"7:30, didn't mean to wake you up" Zak said.

"It's cool, when you leaving?" I asked.

"About 8, Aaron's gonna be here in like 15 minutes with the boys" Zak said.

"Awesome" I said. Aaron brought my brothers over and headed out with Zak. We had rules obviously, don't leave the house unless it's on fire, don't answer the door unless it's Nick, call Nick or either of them in an emergency. Me and the boys watched Ghost Adventures for a few hours and then played pool until Zak and Aaron got back at like 12:30am.

"Hey, Charlie, boys we're home" Aaron called. We went to see them, I could smell alcohol on them, I knew they'd been drinking, my nerves went, my hearted started pumping hard and fast causing me to breathe heavily.

"Charlie you ok? You're breathing heavy" Zak said.

"Yeah, I ran down the stairs didn't I" I lied.

"Yeah ok" Zak replied. I thought to myself 'Pack a bag and leave with the boys ASAP'.

"I'm gonna take the boys and tidy my room" I said grabbing the boys. We went upstairs and I found a bag and packed it as much as I could.

"What are you doing?" Tommy asked.

"Just grab a bag and pack what you can quickly!" I ordered.

"Not until you tell us" Rhydian said.

"They've been drinking, I can smell it on them, dad was always drunk and abused us, work the rest out" I said. They started packing. I wrote a note to Zak and made it into a paper aeroplane and put 'Read Zak' on the wings, I threw it into the living room and me and the boys climbed out my window and ran. I called Nick, he's the only guy I can trust.

"Charlie, is everything ok" Nick said answering.

"Yeah, everything is fine" I replied.

"So why are you calling?" He asked.

"I want to tell you, but I can't" I replied.

"Is Zak back home? Can I speak to him?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah he is, I'm not near him though" I replied.

"Where are we going?" Tommy asked. I gestured for him to shut up.

"What does Tommy mean? Where are you?" Nick asked.

"I gotta go Nick bye" I said.

"Wai-" Nick said and I hung up. Me and the boys snuck into Nick's back garden making sure he didn't see us and hid in his shed. We won't stay for long.


Hey people thanks for all the reads...and votes!

I am currently starting to have a writers block on chapter 31 but am planning to write it and lots more haha.

Hope you are enjoying this and thank you.

You guys are the best! And I shall update in about a week! :)

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