Chapter 110 - You're.. Pregnant?!

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Did I just hear that right? Pregnant?! She said she's pregnant. She definitely said that word!

"Rhydian, please say something. It's literally been like 5 minutes now" She begs, snapping me out of.. this.

"You said that you're pregnant, right?" I question. She nods. Holy shhhh.. what?! But we-

"And before you question how, obviously the protection didn't work" She says, admittedly reading where my mind was heading. I look at her stunned. A baby. We're kids, I mean, we're 16, but we're kids. Can we even think about having babies at our age? We're still in school, for now. Wait, what if..?

"Are you gonna keep it?" I ask, finally breaking the silence between us.

"I want to" She answers while nodding. I nod as I look around the area surrounding us. She's keeping the baby. Our baby. We'll be parents by the time we're 17. Aaron is going to kill me.

"Do your parents know yet?" I ask. How am I going to tell Aaron?

"No, I'm a bit scared to do that.. it's why you're the first to know" She shakes her head.

"I don't understand" I admit, confused.

"My parents are supportive people, they want me to be happy and everything.. but pregnant at my age? I'm not sure they'll be supportive of this.. I worry that they'll kick me out and I'll be homeless" She explains.

"And if that happens, you'll hope I'll be able to take you in?" I question. She nods nervously. "But, what if my dad takes this badly? I know that he'll kill me, I've been testing my luck lately as it is.. what if he kicks me out?" I question. She gapes her mouth, unsure of what to say for a moment.

"I'm sorry. Rhydian, I don't know what to do either, all I know is that I don't want an abortion" She says. Surely Aaron would support me with this? I mean, it's not ideal, but Aaron is the best father to me, even if I do test his patience.

"I think my dad would be frustrated with me for this, but he's a good man, he'll come around and take care of us all" I say, feeling more confident than I was a moment ago.

"So, if needs be, if things don't go well with my parents.. you could have us?" She asks.

"And if all else fails, we'll manage on our own, I'll leave school, get a job, get us a little place of our own-" I start rambling, panicking a little. Britney tries to stop me.

"What? Rhyd-" I carry on.

"Should we get married? Isn't that something mum and dads do? We could do that" I question. I could do that. I never thought I'd be married so young, but I could be a husband.

"We're not getting married" She chuckles. I stop my rambling.

"What?" I ask as I frown at her.

"No offence, but I don't want to marry you.. or even be in a relationship with you.. yet, maybe if certain things change" She says, honestly.

"Ok, so what can I do?" I ask.

"I wonder if you do have what it takes to be a father. We're both so young and we have no idea what we're doing. You act like a boy, but this baby will need a man, a proper dad. Can you do that?" She asks.

"Britney, I know that I'm a bit of a.. plonker.. now and then, but I happen to believe in doing what's right in this sort of situation. I don't know what to do, I'd be a dad before I'm 17.. my dad won't be pleased that I've got a girl pregnant, but he'll support me- us. I'll do what is right by you both, it's my baby as well as yours, I'll be there for you both, I'll be present" I assure her.

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