Chapter 78 - Don't give up, miracles happen

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"Caleb don't say that, get back over there and keep going, please!" I demand.

"Zak, I can't, I can only do so much, I'm so sorry" He says.

"No, no" I say as tears slide down my cheeks. Caleb walks back to Charlie.

"Ready to call it?" The lady asks. Caleb unwillingly nods.

"Time of de-" Caleb starts and is interrupted by the monitor as it starts beeping again.

"What" The lady says. Caleb then checks for a pulse.

"What's going on now? Why is the monitor making that noise?" I ask confused.

"Zak" Caleb calls with a smile creeping on his face. "She's got a pulse, she's back with us" He says.

"You being serious man?" I ask in slightly disbelief. A minute ago she was dead.

"Yeah, come check it yourself" He says as he waves for me to go to her. I do and he lets me check her pulse.

"That's her pulse" I say looking at Caleb.

"She's got a strong pulse, someone up there must love her to send her back" He says smiling,

"Oh my god, Charlie I'm here, you're ok, you'll be ok, now you just need to wake up sweetie, please" I say to her as I kiss her forehead.

"It's rare that this happens sir, usually when we're about to call it, they're gone" The lady says.

"I'm just glad she hasn't given up" I say. The lady leaves, Caleb keeps a check on her. "What will happen now?" I ask.

"We'll keep observing her, she had a moment but she's back now, but it doesn't mean it won't happen again, but right now she has a good pulse, after 24 hours if she's still good, we'll start thinking about taking her off the ventilator and see if she starts breathing on her own, if she doesn't then we'll put her back on it and try again another time, then if she really doesn't have anymore luck, it'll be your call" He explains.

"What will be my call?" I ask.

"Whether we take her off and let her go, if we leave it so long then there won't be any hope in her coming back, if she can't breathe on her own then there won't be anything we can do" He says.

"She's a fighter Caleb" I say as I stroke her head, glancing at her and Caleb.

"I know, I have faith in her" He says.

Charlie's POV

I'm in a place that I don't recognise at all, is this heaven? Am I dead? What happened to me? Everywhere is white and so clean, and quiet. Where is Zak, Aaron, my brothers?

"Charlie" I hear someone call me.

"Who's there?" I ask looking around, I see someone, a silhouette of someone walking, maybe towards me.

"It's me Charlie, you're ok darling" The lady says, she gets closer to me.

"How do you know my name, where are we?" I ask.

"Charlie, it's me, your mother" She says as she gets close enough for me to see her. Mum?

"Mum? Is it really you?" I ask. She looks so pretty, and normal, not beat up, she looks happy.

"Yes, it's really me Charlie" She says. I go up to her and give her a tight hug, I quickly let go of her.

"Mum, you're dead, you died, dad caused your death" I say as I realise she's dead.

"Charlie, you're dead too, at the moment" She says.

"What do you mean at the moment?" I ask.

"You can't stay here sweetie, you have to go back, it's not your time yet, you need to go back to Zak and the guys, your brothers, you have your whole life to live yet before you should be here" She says.

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