Chapter 90- What to do

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I reach Zak's car and get in, Tommy and Rhydian are in the back. Alex just kissed me, he actually kissed me, but so did Caleb, but Caleb said that he's in love with me but Alex didn't, I guess I didn't really give him a chance to speak cause Zak called me, what is going on?

"You ok Charlie?" Zak asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just really needed to pee" I say.

"Ok, well let's drop the boys back and then we'll go home and settle down" He says starting the car.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me that Dani wants me to be godparent to the baby?" I ask confused.

"I did tell you, she asked me if you and I would consider it" He says while concentrating on the road.

"You did tell me? When?" I ask confused.

"I told you the other week or something, don't you remember?" He asks also confused. Then I remember, he did tell me, and I said that I wanted to consider it.

"Oh, yeah, I do remember it, I completely forgot with everything that has gone on, now I feel bad, she asked me about it earlier and I said you didn't tell me" I say.

"It's ok, I forget things too sometimes, so are you still considering it?" He asks.

"Well, yeah, she's one of my best friends and she trusts me, she's asking us to be a part of her child's life because she trusts us that much" I say.

"She doesn't trust me or Tommy to ask us?" Rhydian asks.

"Of course she trusts you, I guess I might be a little bit closer to her than you, especially and we're both girls" I say.

"Well I think you should go for it, how long do you and Zak have to decide?" Tommy asks.

"She isn't planning on christening the baby for a while, maybe when it's like a year old or something" I say.

"So we have quite a while to think about it, and by the time we have to have an answer, you'll be 16, maybe 17, so more mature and that" Zak says.

"I'm mature now, besides just because we may be godparents, doesn't mean we'll actually have to be a parent to the baby, as long as Dani more than Mark stays alive" I say. Zak starts chuckling. "What's funny?" I ask.

"You do realise I know how godparents work, it's not like I'm learning about it all" Zak says.

"I know, but I am, I've never thought of being a godparent so now I'm learning about it" I say.

"Boys we're back" Zak says.

"Thanks Zak, see ya" Rhydian says getting out of the car.

"Bye" Zak says.

"Bye you two" Tommy says getting out after Rhydian.

"See ya bud" Zak says, once the door is shut and the boys are inside, Zak continues driving. We sit in silence for a minute.

"So how was work?" I ask.

"It was good, same stuff, editing, reviewing, you know" Zak says.

"Cool, any investigations lined up soon?" I ask.

"Not for a couple weeks at least" He says.

"Oh right ok" I say.

"So how was school? You see Alex, Ashlee, Joe?" He asks. My eyes widen slightly and a take a deep breath when he says Alex's name, that kiss, what am I going to do? I need to talk to Alex about it, I can't exactly avoid him, he's my best friend, I don't even know if I have feelings for him, or do I have feelings for Caleb? I can't tell anyone about either of the kisses, especially Zak, he'll get all protective over me, I don't even think I'm ready for any relationships at the moment with what happened with Devon. I don't even know which kiss felt more real, Caleb told me he loves me and it's very clear he cares deeply for me, Alex, he didn't say he loves me, maybe he's trying to work out his feelings too, he's been my friend since the first day I started school, and he's been amazing and supportive, what to do?

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