Chapter 17- Another lockdown soon

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Later that evening, it was about 5pm, we had just finished fitting everything in our rooms.

"Well, that was hard work, but we get the rooms finished" Aaron said crashing on the sofa. We are at mine and Zak's. Zak went into the kitchen.

"Thanks for all of this dad" I said leaning against the counter.

"It's ok honey" Zak replied making us all drinks and some food. "Can you take these drinks to everyone while I make food please, the water is mine obviously, and you guys can fight over who's is who's" He said handing me a tray of drinks.

"Here's drinks, water is Zak's, the rest is ours to fight over" I told them.

"Thanks angel" Nick said taking an orange juice.

"Sweeet" Tommy said taking a blackcurrant.

"Thanks" Rhydian said taking an orange juice.

"No problem" I said taking an orange juice.

"Thanks, hello're looking tastey today" Aaron said taking a blackcurrant. We all laughed. Zak came in with some chicken nuggets and chips for us to pick at.

"Here we go guys, and Charlie-" Zak was interrupted by me.

"Make sure I eat otherwise I could have a seizure, yeah I know dad" I said.

"Good girl" Zak said "Oh and we have a lockdown in three days, so boys, it'll be your first one" Zak informed us looking at Rhydian and Tommy.

"Sweet, where is it?" I asked. The boys looked excited.

"We're going back to that hotel in LA" Zak said as if nothing was wrong. My smile turned into a frown. "What?" He asked.

"But dad, we can't go back there!" I argued.

"Why not?" He asked in a confused way.

"Why not?! Did I wipe your memory of what happened that night when I knocked you out?" I said arguing. I didn't want what happened to happen again.

"You know, she's got a good point" Aaron said backing me up

"Yeah bro, we don't want a hospital visit again do we" Nick said also backing me up.

"Yeah, guys I remember what happened and I don't want a hospital visit again either but-" Zak said then I interrupted him.

"Exactly, now we're all siding with my point" I said relieved.

"Can I finish? I was gonna say you guys are right, BUT that's why we are not going to investigate Vincent, we are investigating Anne and those kids, we're not going anywhere near Vincent" Zak told us calmly.

"Ok, fine! We can do that if we must, but we don't go near Vincent, if not for you and your...our viewers, then for me and my brothers, cause I don't want anything to happen to them." I said honestly and seriously.

"It's ok, we understand Charlie, I promise we won't bother Vincent, for everyone, especially you guys, I don't want anyone hurt" Zak said assuring us all.

"So we are definitely going?" Rhydian asked to make sure.

"Yes we are definitely going" I said making the final decision.

"Yesss" Tommy said excitedly. We a smiled. Me and Zak hugged and he kissed the top of my head and whispered "Everything will be fine I promise" assuring me that the right decision was made.

"Hey, anyone wanna play pool or watch a movie?" I asked to suggest something to do for a few hours as it's only 6pm.

"I vote film" Tommy said.

"I vote film too" Rhydian said after Tommy.

"I vote movie" Aaron said after Rhydian.

"I vote movie" Nick said after Aaron.

"Well it seems that we are watching a movie" Zak said chuckling.

"What one?" I asked.

"Hmm, Marley and me?" Rhydian asked.

"Sounds good" Aaron said.

"Sweet, I'll put it on, then we need snacks and drinks" Nick said getting the DVD.

Me and Zak went to the kitchen for snacks and drinks. Aaron and the boys made seats on the floor.

"Here's a bowl of popcorn and some chocolate bars" Zak said giving them to me and I put them on the table. I went back to him.

"Want a hand with drinks dad?" I asked trying to be helpful.

"Err yeah, here can you take these two bottles of coke, they are two litre's each, can you manage?" Zak asked handing them to me.

"Yeah sure, I'm strong" I said jokingly. I took them to the table and Zak bought six glasses.

"The movie ready bro?" Zak asked sitting down and pouring drinks.

"Yep, we all ready?" Nick asked as Zak finished the drinks.

"Yep" We all replied. Nick played the film and watched it. At the end we were all grabbing tissues.

"Why...why couldn't it end happily" Aaron said crying.

"And...this film is based on a true story too" I pointed out.

"Very sad movie" Zak said drying his tears. "What time is it?" He asked.

"8:30pm bro" Aaron said drying up his tears.

"Another film?" I asked. " Then it'll be pretty much time for them to go and us to either stay up or go to bed" I said.

"Yeah, another film" The boys begged.

"Ok, go pick one out" Zak said.

"I'll get more popcorn" Aaron said taking the empty popcorn bowl with him.

"What film, ahh Mr. Popper's Penguins" Me and my brothers agreed. We watched the film and it didn't end in tears this time, but it was funny.

"Zak" Aaron said with puppy eyes.

"What Aaron" Zak replied rolling his eyes as he knew what was coming.

"Can we get a penguin?" Aaron begged with puppy eyes.

"No Aaron, we can not" Zak said with a serious response.

"Ok, it's like 10pm, us guys should head home, we've had a fun and busy day" Nick said getting up.

"Yeah, ok fella's, say goodnight to your sister and Zak, you'll see them tomorrow around lunch time" Aaron said getting up with the boys.

"Night Charlie" They both said.

"Night kiddo" Aaron said kissing my forehead.

"Night princess" Nick said kissing my forehead. With that they all left after saying night to Zak and giving him a bro hug.

"Alright missy, bed, you have your room tonight" Zak said smiling and pointing upstairs. "Love you" He said going to bed.

"Night dad, love you too" I said kissing his cheek and giving him a hug.

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