Chapter 20- Preparing for Lockdown

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We are all in our rooms sorting stuff out. We are at the same hotel as the first time which is alright as we all know where everything is.

"Dad, you want this bed, or can I have it?" I asked Zak pointing at the bed that was in the same position as the other room.

"You can have it, I'll take this one" Zak replied smiling.

"Thanks, I wonder how the guys are doing" I said unpacking.

"Yeah, we'll go over soon, give everyone half hour" He said.

"Sure, so what's happening for lockdown?" I asked changing the subject.

"We have an interview with Malcolm tomorrow and someone thay quit working there because she got scared has agreed to talk to us about her encounters, then we'll probably have a look around and that since we already know everything we don't have to do much, lockdown is in two days" Zak told me.

"Cool, are we using the static night vision cameras in the same place and that?" I asked.

"Wow, someone is very keen on doing this and knowing everything after not wanting to do this" Zak said laughing a little.

"Well yeah, I mean, I need to know, I am a part of the crew now and I only didn't want to do this because I was worried for everyone's safety, still am but oh well" I said.

"True, but Charlie, one thing with doing these lockdown's is that you have to trust each other, especially me, and I promise, being your boss and your dad, that neither you or the guys will get hurt, ok?c Zak assured me.

"Yeah, yeah you're right, I trust everyone, especially you" I said.

"Good" Zak said. He went to open the door to see if the guys were coming and as he opened the door Aaron was stood there with Tommy next to him.

"Wow dude! That was good timing" Aaron said impressed.

"Hey Tommy" I said to Tommy. Tommy waved back.

"Hey guys, just about to come and find you, come in" Zak said inviting them in, they walked in.

"Thanks bro, Nick said he'll be here with Rhyd in about five minutes" Aaron said.

"Cool, and then we can go do stuff?" Tommy asked in excitement.

"Yeah, and we'll do an Aaron Vlog as I haven't done one for a lil while" Aaron said. His vlogs are always hilarious.

"Yay, we get to be in a vlog with you for the first time" I said chuckling with excitement Nick knocked on the door.

"Hey guys, it's me and Rhydian" Nick shouted.

"Doors open" Zak shouted back. They walked in.

"Time for a vlog dude" Aaron said turning his camera on. "Aaron vlog. I'd firstly like to introduce three people. Rhydian and Tommy my two sons, well, adopted, new members of the crew, and Charlie, Zak's daughter also part of the crew. Yes these guys are siblings". We went on talking about ourselves and lockdown, not giving too much info. We went out and had a 'Bigsteppin' contest and Aaron won. "That's it, Aaron's vlog out".

"How long are we here for?" I asked.

"Just a week but we are doing two interviews tomorrow, and theblockdown the following night, then we can have fun for the rest of the week" Nick said.

"Awesome" I said jumping a little.

FF- Interviews

It's the next day and we are all sleeping and running late to our interviews. I wake up at 10:30am. 'Crap, interviews are at noon, nobody's awake, we are gonna be late' I thought to myself.

"Dad! Wake up! Dad!" I said. He finally woke up and accidently hit me in the face.

"Oh shit! Are you ok Charlie? I'm so sorry" Zak said annoying with himself.

"I'm fine, it's cool" I said.

"I'm not good at being woken up" Zak said checking my face.

"Nevermind that dad, it's 10:30am and our interviews at noon, we are running late. Come on we gotta wake the guys up" I told him quite quickly.

"Shit! It takes me half hour to get ready, then we gotta eat and get our equipment and get to the hotel" Zak said frantically. With that we both went and got the guys up and we got dressed. Zak spent 20 minutes doing his hair and then we ate. We luckily got to the place 10 minutes early. We played I spy with my little eye until Malcolm arrived.

"Hey man" Zak said as Aaron and Nick turned on their cameras.

"Hey, thanks for coming back, I see you've brought Charlie again and two others, did they win a contest?" Malcolm asked.

"No, Charlie is now my daughter, proud dad I am and these two are her brothers, Aaron adopted them, Rhydian, Charlie's twin, and Tommy the youngest" Zak informed Malcolm.

"Were they in care?" Malcolm asked confused.

"No, well, their parents died in a crash, they were put in an abusive orphanage, but me and the guys saved them, we don't talk about it as their father abused them" Zak said. I remembered I hadn't told him that my dad was always drunk.

"Oh ok, well it's nice to meet you" Malcolm said shaking the boys hands.

"You too" They both said.

"Anyway, anything else happened lately?" Zak asked.

"Well, I haven't had a lot, but I've had scratches in three twice and I've seen Anne's apparition and she said something, I couldn't make it out, butbI think it was something like 'I won't hurt them' and I think she was referring to you guys" Malcolm said.

"Wow, that's awesome" Zak said. Soon we finished the interview with Malcolm and went to meet our last interviewee.

"Hey, thanks for coming, I know this is hard" Zak said to the lady. "I'm Zak, this is Aaron, Nick, Charlie, Rhydian and Tommy".

"Hi, I'm Beth" Beth said.

"So what has happened?" Zak asked.

"Well, I had scratches in threes numerous times, I didn't take much notice, then one day, when I quit, I had a glass thrown at me, since then I won't go near the hotel" Beth said.

"Wow, how long ago did this happen? I mean last time everything was, almost fine" Zak said.

"Err, it happened a little over two weeks ago now" Beth said. We finished the interview.

"Ok Beth thank you for your time" Zak said smiling at her. I didn't really like the smile he gave her, it was like a 'you are beautiful' smile, and I like, don't really want him to have another girl, I want it to just be us six. I guess I was a little jealous because I wanted to be the only girl he loved.

We packed the van after finishing and Zak pulled me aside to have a private talk, I kind of got nervous.

"Are you ok? I saw that look on your face at the interview" Zak said concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, talk about it later" I said ending the conversation. With that we left and headed back to the hotel for a break.


So yh I decided to put another chapter up today, got bored and thought I'd do this....thanks for all the reads...more chapters coming...any mistakes let me know I'll correct them :) Thank you

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